16. the grocery wars

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16. the grocery wars 

"So where are we going now?" Graciela asked

After a few moments she kind of warmed up to me and began to talk more, the funny part was it was clear that she knew just how to press Anthony's buttons, but the affection between the two was plain as day

"Put on your seat belt Graciela."

He glanced over at me, I had been staring at him with wide eyes this whole time. Probably because I never really got to see him interact with family and the way he cared for Graciela's safety was kind of-

"You too Felicity."


I grumbled while putting on the stupid seat belt, taking my anger out by pulling it extra hard.

"If you break that, I'll break you."

I rolled my eyes at his threat, how did that even make sense...

"Your threats are growing lame."

"Sucks that yours haven't grown to amount to anything, they've always been the same: the lamest."

Graciela giggled and I clamped my mouth shut to keep the vulgarity inside of me bottled up.

He was soooo lucky there were innocent ears around.

"We're going grocery shopping."

"Yay!" Graciela squealed from the backseat. I couldn't imagine why grocery shopping seemed fun to her, maybe she wanted to sit in the cart or something.

As we pulled up at the store, lamely named Juiced, Graciela struggled with her seat belt before the car was even parked.

"Graciela, be careful."

Whenever he said her name, his tongue rolled in that sexy Spanish way, if only there weren't so many appealing things about him, then I'd have no problem with friendzoning him. Unfortunately, he happened to have a lot of good qualities- and they just kept adding up.

Also unfortunately, my seat belt was jammed.

Graciela had already gotten out of the car and snagged a cart, she was wheeling it back over to the car as I struggled with the ratchet seat belt.

I was trying not to make it obvious to Anthony that I was stuck, but he was already staring at me with an amused smirk on his face- the bitch had already caught on.

I smiled reassuringly at him- "I've got it-"

Without letting me finish, he got back in the car and leaned over the stick-shift. I inhaled nervously, his head of soft-looking hair was directly under my nose- and it smelled like faint cinnamon.

"Fuck, it's jammed" he whispered.

Actually I was kind of enjoying this position (with great shame, of course) His thumb kept brushing up against the exposed skin of my waist. I wasn't sure if he was doing it on purpose, or he didn't realize-

as I looked down I noticed that the corner of his mouth was quirked up

Oh, he was well aware of what he was doing.

I shoved him away

"I can do it myself."

He laughed throatily, "Yeah well, if you really don't need my help- Graciela and I will just wait for you in the store."

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