18. one invitation, two attendees

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18. one invitation, two attendees

Anthony's POV

Of course I won the grocery game, which was kind of sad seeing as Felicity and Graciela could have just split up and got things on the list much faster.
I mean that was common sense, I gave them an advantage but they failed to use it. Typical.

At first, I hadn't looked up at the cashier but when I did I was shocked

It was Cindy, from my races. She was staring at me awestruck for whatever reason, I knew she was a fan of mine but the gaping was kind of...over the top.

She was about to say something but I subtly shook my head no.

I couldn't risk involving Felicity in my racing, opponent's would do almost anything to win- the less Felicity knew, the better.

Jem (it's spelled this way purposely, but pronounced same as Gem)was suspicious enough as it was.

Cindy continued staring even as she scanned the groceries, I was tempted to tell her to get the fuck out of my face but I couldn't bring myself to be that rude.

Instead I tried smiling, but I'm pretty sure it was more of a grimace. Not that it really mattered, just acknowledgement was good enough for Cindy.

Felicity stood a distance behind me, every now and then those big brown eyes would catch mine and she'd quickly look away at the cashier- it seemed almost unintentional. I was pretty sure she didn't realize her eyes kept coming back to mine.

It was...

Alright, it was sort of cute.

After I had kissed her neck, I mentally uppercutted myself.

I had to have been overstepping some boundary, my own boundaries actually.

I liked the way she had gasped when my lips met her skin, and that fucking smell of a mixture between vanilla and mint was still fresh to the memory.

It was just some flirting, nothing serious- I knew she understood that.

I wasn't the type to flirt with actual intentions, besides- She wasn't really my type...

My eyes dropped to her waist, which was slightly curved.

Well damn

It wasn't until I realized my eyes were studying the swell of her ass that it dawned on me that I was checking her out.

I stopped myself, right as Cindy read me my total.

"That'll be $167.45"

I paid without a word, nodding when she said have a good day.

I couldn't accept admiration when it all was just the result of being born with these genes. It had nothing to do with my racing.

I instantly began to crave my hood.

The way I ached for my hood was probably the way a child (or in some cases, an adult) ached to suck their thumb. It was what I needed, with my hood on I was overlooked. Not stared at, no second or third looks and so on. I was average, and that was just enough for me.

I rubbed a hand over my face roughly, wishing I could wipe it blank.


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