24. take me to church

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24. take me to church

Anthony's POV

All it took was one wrong swerve.

One wrong swerve was what costed me a win. I swerved onto the sidelines, and Nikas or whatever the fuck his name was gained speed and shot past me.

It was my first time being left in the dust, and when I crossed the finish line, Nikkie or whatever, was already standing outside of his car, hyping up the crowd.

Fucking grandpa.

I was never a sore loser, but I couldn't help but to grit my teeth at the cheesy grin on the fucker's face. At that moment, I remembered I still needed to question him about his intentions with Felicity, so I sucked it up and put a lazy smirk on my face.

I could worry about the consequences of losing later.

"Can I talk to you at the bar around the corner?" I said through my smile as we shook hands. For a second he just looked at me, and when he realized who I was by my voice, he started smiling as well. He reminded me of an evil cat, his smile was just pure sneakiness.


I nodded, and released my tight grip on his hand before walking away.

"I know you haven't fucked her like you said you did, so I'm just gonna cut straight to the point. Why are you hanging around mi ni- Felicity?"

It came out sounding a lot cornier than I intended it to.

But it was only for Felicity's safety, even if the niña annoyed me sometimes, it wouldn't be right to put her in the line of danger.

That was the only reason for this confrontation taking place.

The cauliflower replied with a grin, "We're friends, we met at lunch one day when she was upset over something."

I arched an eyebrow, taking a dragged out sip of my Mimosa.

"Upset over what?"

When was this? I was always at lunch with Felicity since she had approached me for the first time.

"No idea. Maybe some fuckboy did something."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Oh, and I assume the one looking like the tip of a cauliflower comforted her perfectly well?"

He sipped his beer with that same cat-like grin. "I did actually, maybe got a thank you kiss in the midst too."

I put the Mimosa down.

"I think you should leave her alone."

"But, you're not her dad."

"I still think you should leave her alone, it's not safe-- you look like the type to actually tell her about what I do."

His stare suddenly turned hard.

"What we do, you know Anthony I think your insecurities are getting the best of you. Are you afraid Felicity might want to be around me more?"

Cauliflower smirked.

"Afraid she'll get bored of the boy who wears the hood to create a legend, a name for himself? Secretly, you just want attention."

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