19. one too many strikes

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19. one too many strikes 

Have you ever considered how loyal ants are?

I mean, I hated them due to a past experience when I was stung by a family of red ones, but I couldn't deny their loyalty.

At this point, you're probably wondering why I'm talking about loyal ants. The thought crossed my mind when I squashed an ant earlier the day of Gabby's party.

There were 2 ants, and once I squashed one of them- the other ant somehow got the dead/injured ant onto its back and began to scurry away.

Knowing that within any moment my gigantic foot could come down and squash them both for good, the ant risked its life to save the other.

And so I let them both live.



From there, the nickname stuck.

"Ant, I need your assistance" I said, as soon as he picked up the phone.

His sigh was audible, but obviously playful.

Probably not playful, but I'd pretend like it was anyway.

"What's up?"

"I need a dress."

He sighed again.

"For what Felicity."

It was more of a statement, rather than a question.

"the party of course, I can't come looking like I just escaped from the swamp."

"You want me to come pick you up?" I grinned as I heard him picking up his car keys in the background, already knowing he wasn't going to say no.

"Yeah, let's go to the mall."

He fake-groaned, as if he really didn't feel like it. Only the groan sounded less frustrated, and more sexual than anything. Or maybe that was just my hormones reacting, my monthly cycle had just began today so that would explain a few things.

"You're always dragging me places niña."

And then he hung up, but I knew he was already on the way to my house.

"Score" I said. (who even says score)

Anthony pulled up to the scene with his ceiling missing. Only his ceiling was actually present and I just felt like randomly using that phrase so I did anyway.

"Ant!" I hopped into his car, ignoring how he winced when I shut the car door a little too hard.

"I'm not an ant." As usual, his voice never failed to awaken certain emotions (or hormones) within me. The natural huskiness and the way every word flowed off his tongue with full confidence was admirable.

I stuttered like a fool most of the ti-

"A-ants are loyal" Exhibit A.

"What was that?" He teased, the laughter was clear in his voice.

"You're so mean to me."

"It turns you on though."

He turned his signal light on, completely unfazed by his own statement. Was it natural for guys to say things like this so nonchalantly? Because my palms were straight soggy now.

"We're hereeee, now pay me for my services and get out of my car."

I rolled my eyes at Anthony, and slapped a dime in the middle of his palm. "Your services weren't satisfactory enough so this was all I could-"

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