1K 52 789


+ Mention the name of the book that is being nominated along with the author's name with respect to the title you're applying for.

Example : 'XYZ' by @123

+ Tag atleast five friends.

+ Enter your nomination in the inline comment with respect to the title.

+One can nominate only three books for each genre. Anyone who is nominating more than three books, your nomination won't be considered.

+ The book can be of any genre as long as it's written by an Indian or has Indian roots.

+ Suggestions are always welcome.

+ If any of the titles have less than 5 nominations, the title will be terminated.

Note: Nominations chance left in each genre

1. Best Fanfiction - nominations are closed

2. Best Romance - nominations are closed

3. Best chicklit - 16 nominations left

4. Best teenfiction - 23 nominations left

5. Best Historical fiction - 29 nominations left

6. Best Short story - 4 nominations left

7. Best General fiction - 14 nominations left

8. Best Family book - 23 nominations left.

9. Best Fantasy - 29 nominations left

10. Best Thriller - 21 nominations left

11. Best one shots - nominations are closed

12. Best Fresher - nominations are closed

Best author - nominations are closed

Best profile - 22 nominations left

Best Graphic designer - 13 nominations left

Best club - 27 nominations left

Fresher award - 8 nominations left


Best FanFiction

Best Romance

• Best Chicklit

• Best Teen Fiction

• Best Historical Fiction

• Best Short Story

• Best General Fiction

• Best Family Book

Best Fantasy book

Best Non-Fiction

Best Thriller

• Best one shot

• Best Fresher book ( Books with less than 10K reads.)


• Best Author

• Best Profile

• Best Graphic designer

• Best Club

• Fresher Award (To those authors who've been writing on Wattpad for less than a year now. )


Nominations are open till
31st May 2019

Please tag as friends as you can so that we have more entries.

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