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Hello guys!

We have been receiving a good response from all of you. As you know, the entries will be closed by 31st May and then the judging will start.

Those interested to judge the books, please will the attested form below. Also, you can tag those people who are interested in judging the books, we will contact them.




Genre Interested to judge:
Are you comfortable with judging Mature/ LGBT+ Books:


Are you a participant in the awards? If yes, specify the genre:

Are you commited to deliver the results on time?:


1. Judges will get a permanent follow from this account.

2. They get a shout-out from us here as well as from the profile of the founder and co-founder.

3. Their books will feature in the Judges Special Reading List on our page.

4. A community special sticker if the results are delivered on the exact expected date.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2019 ⏰

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