Chapter 2: Homecoming/And a Second Chance

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Brent's pov

The drive back to East Texas was quiet as I stared out the window,  watching the city give way to the hill country and eventually the piney woods national forest. I continued thinking about mine and Dr Rosen's last conversation and finally overcome with curiosity I asked my father.

"Father does our kind believe in reincarnation?"

he didn't answer right away but I could tell he was thinking and said

"yes son we do why do you ask"

"well because Dr Rosen showed me this" as I handed him the clipping he looked at it read through it and handed back and said "yes I do remember that happening but what is it's connection to reincarnation"  "look at the date it's the same day Alex died, Dr Rosen said there are others ways for a soul to come back and drowning and being resuscitated is one of them, it's possible that while I  was fighting to keep Alex alive that the paramedics were doing so as well to resuscitate Scotty"

"yes that is possible, there is only one way you're gonna find out, go and see Alex's family when we get home Scotty has come of age since you and Alex left he's 17 and has a birthday coming soon" he said with a wink which I picked up on

"I see, im just afraid that his family wouldn't want me near them after what happened" I said as my voice cracked and a few tears tried to escape my eyes. my father slowed down and pulled over and told me to look at him so I did

"look brent what happened wasn't your fault"

"but I told Alex to run, I as good as pulled the gun on Alex myself"

"STOP THAT THIS INSTANT" he said in his Alpha's voice causing me to shudder he took a deep breath and said "those wannabes decided that long before you two crossed their path they planned to desecrate your mate and kill both of you anyway, what you did was right given the circumstances the only reason you lived was because you shifted and  their so called leader was scared to death and took the only chance he had to hurt you Brent by taking away your mate, don't let them win they don't deserve that you do Brent, now when we get home you go do what's right and tell Scotty your his mate, his parents would be delighted trust me son, thats why Alex gave Scotty a second chance"

After he said that my eyes widend and I  realized for the first time that Alex wasn't my true mate  and I whispered "it's Scotty it was always Scotty"

my father nodded and said "yes it always has been Scotty, son"

"but I chose Alex over him, he'd never forgive me" I said

"Yes he will,  he's your true mate, you only chose his brother because he was of age, did you give the mating bite to Alex"

I thought back to Alex's 18th birthday and said "no, I tried but I couldn't"

my father smiled and said "see you can only give the mating bite to your true mate, Scotty Montgomery IS your true mate, Brent"

everything was making sense now, the reason I couldn't feel what Alex felt, or hear his thoughts was because I had no connection with him other than sexual there wasn't a life connection which mates have I never noticed it until now.

We finally made it back to East Texas and to our home, a sleepy little town called Crockett. I was glad to see it again. My father is the Alpha of The Piney Woods Pack and I'm the heir to all of this. 

We pull in to our driveway and father puts the car in park. I get out and take in the piney woods scent breathing deeply, much better than Austin I think to myself, I grab my bag and head in to our three story, 10 plus bedroom house.

Lost & Found: Book 1 In The Piney Woods Pack Chronicles (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now