Live For You - Clyde Barrow

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This post is my first request given by my first Anonymoose Wattpad reader

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This post is my first request given by my first Anonymoose Wattpad reader. I gotta say this was an odd request but once my brain started churning, I had a lot of fun so thank you. I may have tweaked your request a smidgen but please don't be too upset and this is my first time writing about Clyde so don't be too hard on me.

Clyde's eyes shoot open in panic and he sits up on the ground. He looks around, unsure of where he is. He gets off the ground and sees the hustle and bustle of the people around him. He steps out and almost gets hit by a car and he quickly steps back.

"Watch where you're walking asshole!" The driver yells out the window. Clyde reaches for his gun to shoot him but it's not there. The only thing he has are the clothes on his back. People walk past him, looking at him like he's crazy. But he's not. At least he thinks he's not.

"Bonnie?" He calls out. "Bonnie where are you?"

He walks down the street trying to piece things together, and look for Bonnie, when he bumps into you.

"Oh. Sorry." You say. You look at him. "You look familiar. Have we met?"

"No. No we haven't." You furrow your eyebrows.

"Are—are you alright?"

"I'm very confused."

"Well hello Very Confused. I'm Y/N."

"I'm Clyde. Clyde Barrow."

"Yeah... and I'm Amelia Airheart." You snort.

"But you just said your name is Y/N."

"It was a joke. Are you sure you're alright?"

"What year is it?"

"Seriously?" He looks at you. "2019."

"Two thousand— oh my God." He fingers through his hair. You look at him panic and almost break down into tears. And then you look at his face. Like really look before pulling out your phone.

"Oh my God." You say in amazement. "You really are Clyde Barrow." He looks at you and you show him a picture on your phone.

"Yeah. Th—that's me. That's me!" You take his hand and pull him back into the diner where you work.

"Y/N. I thought your shift was over." Your co worker says.

"It is. But I'm here with a uh... friend. Can we get a table?"

"Sure. This way." She leads the two of you to a booth and you both sit down.

"So now you believe me?" He asks.

"Yeah. Yeah I do. What happened to you?"

"I don't know. One minute I was with Bonnie and the next I woke up here in 20–"

"19." He sighs.

"So you don't remember anything?" He shakes his head.

"That thing in your hand. What is it?"

"It's a phone." You hand it to him.

"Wow. It's so small." You smile to yourself. He hands it back to you. "Do you know what happened to me?" You shake your head.

"No one knows."

"What do you mean?"

"You went missing. No one could find you. The cops... nothing. You just disappeared." You've always been interested in gangs and gangsters. That's why you know so much. "They after about 3 years of searching, they just declared you dead."

"How long?"

"82 years."

"And Bonnie?"


"What happened to Bonnie?" He grits.

"She killed herself. They figured it's because she thought you left her." He angrily slams his fist on the table causing everyone's heads to turn in your direction. "I'm so sorry." He quickly wipes his eyes and gets up from the table.

"Thank you."

"Wait. Where are you going?" He leaves the diner and you follow him. He goes out side to step out in front of a car but you quickly push him onto the sidewalk.

"Get the hell off me!" He yells. "I need to be with her!"

"And what if it didn't work?" You ask. "What if it didn't kill you? You'd be in a hell of a lot of pain right now." You brush yourself off. "Maybe this is a sign." You pull him off the ground. "A second chance to do things right."

"What if I don't want to? What if I just want to go around robbing banks again. I'm Clyde fucking Barrow!" He yells. "The best robber in history!"

"Shh! You can't go around saying shit like that."

"Why not?"

"Because first of all, no one will believe that you're the Clyde Barrow. And if you keep talking like that they'll think you're crazy and they'll throw you in the crazy house. Robbing banks isn't as easy anymore. Banks have cameras everywhere and they have all this technology that will find you before you reach the end of the street! The police will find you, and arrest you or kill you."

"Fine. Let them kill me."

"No. I won't let them. I want you to have a second chance."

"Dyin ain't so bad not if we both go together. Only when one's left behind does it get sad. So I don't want a second chance."

"That's just too damn bad because I'm not letting you die."

"So you're just going to follow me around for the rest of my life."

"Yep. You're stuck with me Clyde Barrow."


You've been helping Clyde settle into his "new life" for the past few weeks. You got him a job as a waiter at the diner. He's really good. Especially with the ladies. They love sitting in his section.

You look around for Clyde but you can't seem to find him. You open the door to the bathroom.

"Oh my God!" You say quickly shutting it. "I'm uh so sorry Clyde."

"It's ok Y/N." He says from the other side of the door. "Come in." You slowly open the door and walk in.

"Um Clyde... why are you in the tub with a ukelele... and a hat?" He clears his throat and adjusts his bubbles.

"I was singing... I did it with Bonnie."

"Oh. Right. Do you miss her?" He nods.

"Get dressed." You say.


"There's someplace we need to go."


You and Clyde stand in the graveyard in front of Bonnie's tombstone.

"It's a nice tombstone." You comment. Clyde nods in agreement.

"Can I get a minute?"

"Sure. I'll be at the car." Clyde kneels down and brushes some dust off the tombstone and sighs.

"I am so, so sorry Bonnie. I hope you know I didn't mean to leave you. I didn't want to leave you. I wanted to do so much more with you. But I promise Bonnie, I promise that I'll live for you."

Jeremy Jordan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now