Keeping Secrets

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After the day the council fell to half, Tikal experienced people defect from the tribe until there were a few less than one hundred. Not a major decline but one to take note of. Besides that, they have continued their path as a successful nomadic tribe. Two years have passed since they've set out on their trek. Bountiful discoveries have calmed the worries of the nonbelievers. Tikal, with my guidance, has been able to keep a hold of most of her father's people. Still, there are many skeptics. Their reasoning is unjust but it is not up to me to convince them she is a fit ruler. As long as they follow my will and way, we all are going to be fine.

The cart that carries the Chieftess is out front. Rashad is steering the wooly beast. The shagron's eyes are nearly covered by their massive manes. Despite their thick coats, the animal is able to survive comfortably in this direct sunlight and heat. They are are not rideable without a saddle due to their intense body temperatures. A gentle tug here and there is enough to get them on the right track. Tikal pokes her head out. Her afro now twisted into short dreadlocks. Her true hair color has shown to be a dark red. That tends to happen when hair is grown out and exposed to the elements.

"We're coming up on a settlement, Tikal," Rashad says. He's seated next to Akef, who is asleep from the peaceful ride. "Are we going to join them for a rest?"

"If they are accepting of visitors. I'll send a messenger ahead to see if they are willing to entertain our company," Tikal says. She disappears behind the curtain on the cart's cover then jumps out the back of it. Her landing onto the sand isn't graceful but she keeps her footing while running towards another cart. She leaps next to the driver of this cart startling him. The energetic leader gestures an apology then leans into its curtains.

"Chieftess? What are you doing here?" Jabari asks. The young man sits at the rear of the cart, reading books he gathered from their last expedition. He wears a blue pleated shendot and has dreadlocks of similar length to Tikal's. His sides are shaved and the remaining locks are in a ponytail.

"We're approaching a settlement and we need you to speak with their leaders."

"Very well," he says as he slides a feather in the gutter of the page he's on. He closes the book and rolls to the edge of the cart. "I'll need your blessing, ma'am." She nods and meets him at the opening of the rear curtain. He faces out to the open sky above him. Tikal crawls up to his back and lays her left hand upon it. She whispers a prayer of permission to me.

Bazra, please bless your faithful servant with your gift so he may serve your purpose...

Granted, child. I send my energy through her and it spreads across the markings on Jabari's back. The tattoos fade as wings sprout in their place. He has to stand outside of the cover because of the massive wingspan. "Thank you, my lady. I will return swiftly." He jumps off of the cart. Tikal watches him take flight with a smile. Moments pass and Tikal returns to her carriage. The caravan slows a bit to give Jabari time to return.

He does. The messenger lands at the back of his leader's carriage. "All is clear, ma'am. They have only settled recently and are in need of trade goods." His report makes Tikal celebrate.

"Great," she says. "Spread the word that we'll be stopping for three moons. Our drivers need to rest." Jabari nods and flies off again. He'll be allowed to enjoy the gift of flight until nightfall.

The nomads steer towards some partially built houses. Wood scaffolding is covered by canvas. The ground has been treated, making it solid deep beneath the surface. Carts and animals line up outside border of the settlement.

Tikal shakes Akef. He calmly awakens. "Have we found refuge?"

"Yes, sir," she answers. "A group of settlers has agreed to put up with us for a moon or three."

"Well, if arrangements have been made... I have nothing else to add." He stands and stretches. Tikal and Rashad watch as he leaves towards the other carts that hold supplies and food.

Tikal playfully tugs Rashad's head behind the curtain and kisses him. After a tender moment, she releases him and smiles. "Are you tired?"

"Not really..." he says. "The job of a coachman is actually pretty relaxing..."

"Come here, dummy..." she mumbles. He climbs into the back of the cart with her and sits next to her. She leans into him and he holds her tightly. "Stop lying to me. We'll get you some rest... You're always worrying about me and putting yourself at risk. Your body needs to recover."

"I'm sorry, sweetheart," he says softly.

"Rashad!" she yells while breaking his hold on her. Her eyes are wide and her hands are spread.


"We said no baby names! Do you want to ruin everything?" she whispers after realizing she's being too loud. "If we get too comfortable, we may slip up and refer to each other in such a way in front of the others."

"If Akef would've told me that I couldn't be in a relationship with you when I agreed to be a council member, then I wouldn't have been so excited to say yes!"

Tikal absentmindedly tugs on his tunic. "I didn't think that far either. We'll be able to openly be together soon. Akef and I just want to make sure the tribe stays strong. They'll have a strong opinion if they know I'm in a relationship. They'll call me unfocused and immature."

They sit in silence for a moment. Tikal's eyes wander the floor of the cart. Her thoughts are bouncing around in her head and it's showing on her face. Rashad leans in and kisses her. She closes her eyes as he breaks her concentration. "I'll be patient as long as you will be too."

I'm not against their union but their previous leaders have put laws into place that will work against them if they're not careful. Young love is healthy when it's supportive as theirs is. The adoration for each other is what pushes them forward, and forward movement is what I'm all about. The two end their private meeting and exit the cart to join their fellow tribesmen to the settlement.

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