Ch. 4 Sleepover!!!

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*WARNING: be prepared for this kinda short chapter

Victoria has been my best friend since I’ve lived here and she has helped me through thick and thin.

She had a similar experience and that’s why she lives in Florida also so we can both relate to so many things.

I don’t even remember when we first began talking to each other, I can only remember the time when we bumped into eachother at a Mcdonalds and she spilt her food on me, but I know we talked before then.

~Elizabeth's POV~

I haven't been able to actually hang out with my best friend in such a long time, I guess it's because I've been too busy with my job and internship.

Oh well, at least I'm gonna have a sleepover tonight with Victoria!

I can update her more about my new friendship with Austin!

He's cute, but I don't think he likes me in that way..

But maybe we'll hang out more since we exchanged numbers and we could become closer than I feel we already are.

Saturday, my favorite day of the week, mostly because it's the weekend and it's not as close to Monday as Sunday is.

After I left the clinic, I decided to get some Chick-fil-a then go home to get my things for the sleepover. Inside of the Chick-fil-a, I order my food and I glanced to my left.

In front of my freaking eyes: I can swear that I see my brother, Jake.

I cannot believe my eyes. I am positive that it's him, even though he disappeared 6 years ago (it was concluded as a suicide because of the note found on his dresser).

I just realized that I dropped my drink from shock and I don't give a crap; that guy could possibly be my brother and I need to find out NOW before it's too late and I'll never know if that was really him. 

I catch him before he walks out of the door and I spun him around to face me.

Ok, now I cannot express how I know it's him. I saw a birth mark he had on his ear, and if he tries to lie to me, I will be pissed and upset.

"What do you want?! I'm just trying to get home and eat my food in peace! Not to be attacked from some random girl that spazzed out with her drink!"

Geez, maybe I shouldn't have been so persistant and scare him like I'm a stalker...

"Sorry, I shouldn't have been so crazy... I should've introduced myself... My name is Elizabeth and I was just wondering if you knew who I am? Like from the past? Maybe your name would be Jake??"

I feel so stupid now for spazzing out.. there are billions of people in the world and at least 9 million will look like my brother Jake.

I think I overeacted because I miss him so much.

He broke my moment of thought and pulled me into a VERY tight hug.

Maybe he's the crazy one. 

After that tight and awkward hug, he let go and started to speak.

"I thought I'd never see you again Elizabeth. I faked my death so I could get away from mom and dad because they were just so abusive and horrifying. How are they now?"

Oh, so he has no idea about my life now, time to give my brother a huge update. But before that, I still need to have time to absorb the fact that he's alive and has been breathing on this world the whole time.

"Can we go to my apartment to get all of these things caught up?? And I have a friend coming over to have a sleepover. By the way, you do not understand how hard it is for me not to slap your face and cry right now, I am a ball of mixed emotions."

His expression has a combination of guilt and happiness.

"Sure, I'll follow you there."  

We get our food and I get myself a new drink to replace the one I killed on the floor. He follows me home from his car, a pretty nice car in fact.

His car is like an ice cream sundae compared to my single scoop cone.

I open the door, turn on the light and, a huge snake is dangling like 3 inches from my nose. "AHHHHHHH! SNAKE!" I ran to a tree, hid behind, and ugh... I am too gullible.

A laughing Victoria walks out with the snake (turns out to be a rubber snake).

"YOU ARE SO FUNNY!! JAJAJAJA!" She will pay for this... lol I always get payback at a sleepover, she always forgets that.

"Vickle Pickle, this is not the time for jokes, I have some crucial information to discuss and show you about. " She was about to give me a kill look for calling her that, but she got my telepathic message that I am serious.

Just then, Jake walks over here and Victoria gives me a questioning look and I just nod for her to follow inside. She'll find out about all of this in like a few minutes.

We all take a seat at the kitchen table and I begin to speak.

This night is going to be interesting..

*Yay, I added something dramatic! I hope my little fans enjoyed it!! :)*

~sorry fans, I'll update soon, I promise, I've been full of all sorts of school things~
-> update will be up tomorrow for sure!! <-

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