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"Sound like love to me"
4 months later, June 16th

"How was England?" Aria asks Asher as she sets up a new delivery of flowers.

"Fucking amazing! Everyone there is like so cool, dude her family is so nice, they're so chill and I- I saw a different side to her" Asher says, his eyes were practically shaped like hearts.

"Sounds good, did you go to the country side? Meet her cousins and stuff?" Aria asks.

"Hell Yeah! I would move there if it wasn't for the bad weather but summer is good and yeah she literally had like thirty cousins, she's amazing around children" Asher grins.

"Sounds like you're in love" aria chuckles turning to face him. "I am and I tell her every day, I want her to move in with me" Asher confesses hopping down from the counter. "Wow, that quick?" Aria asks.

"We've been together since February that's... five months aria, same as you and Shawn. Speaking of how is the man?" Asher asks.

"He's good, we're really good. He's been a little more busy recently which is okay"'aria replies.

"Have you guys done the thing? Committed the sin?" Asher asks.

Aria shakes her head no. "No we were close but I just want it to feel right, I know it sounds lame but he's so perfect, he's literally an angel and I want it to be perfect" aria admits sitting beside Asher.

"He treats you well huh?" Asher asks.

"The best, he brings me food, comes with me to my grandparents, watches he films I want to watch, he's re watched hill house with me, he's so nice to sleep with. I really really like him Ash" the love struck fool says.

"Sound like love to me" Asher chuckles.

Aria looks up at him innocently. "How do I know what that feels like? I've never been in love. I mean I love you and my family but that's family and friends. What's it like to love someone?" She asks unsure how she feels.

"It's different for everyone Aria... I guess you just know, yeah everyone says that but you just know. You'll feel your heart race but when they hug you you're calm, you could be sat in silence and it'll be the loudest sound ever, you'll love what they see as imperfections, the simplicity of holding their hand will feel like the greatest power in the world... you'll know aria" Ashe pulls her into a hug.

"You've developed a way with words Ash" aria chuckles. "I've been helping Ellie revise her poems, just call me William Wording" Asher smiles proudly.

"It's William Wordsworth but okay" aria laughs softly.

"He's here now" Asher points outside to Shawn getting out of his car. "He's so handsome, look at that glow! How does he do that?" Aria exclaims.

"Must be the new fenty" Asher shrugs getting down from the counter. "How? What the fuck?" Aria laughs.

"Hey I know my shit, plus I bought a stick thing for Ellie's sister so I know" Asher says laughing. "Anyway I'm gonna go" he hugs her tightly walking out.

"Hey man! Aria in there?" Shawn asks. "Yep, see you around" Asher nods going to his car.

Shawn opens the door and aria runs into his arms. Shawn catches her in a bear hug spinning her around.

"How's my girl?" Shawn asks setting her down on the counter to stand between her legs holding her thighs. "Good now that you're here" aria holds the back of his neck to kiss him deeply. "I missed you this week" aria says against his lips as she continues kissing him deeply. "I- I missed-"

Aria cuts him off moving her tongue against his with passion and want.

"Babe" Shawn chuckles pulling back. He holds her face in her hands, a big smile on her face showing her dimples.

"I missed you too honey, you've gotten even more beautiful" Shawn grins pecking her lips.

"How was it? I've never been to New York" aria says keeping her hands behind his neck, playing with the short hair.

"It's the best, the city keeps me busy and distracted. I'll take you one day" he gives her a toothy smile. "How about... I get you some tickets for your birthday? June twenty first right?" Shawn asks.

Arias eyes widen. "How'd you know?" She asks.

"Asher told me, I realised I never asked. Also very clever that your middle name is Summer and you're born in the summer" Shawn chuckles.

"Well I don't want anything, I don't ask for anything ever. Asher just throws me a party" aria shrugs. "I have to get you something, you deserve it" he says gently.

"No you can't" she shakes her head. "I have you, you're absolutely marvellous baby" aria grins winking at him. It was evident she had become much more confident with Shawn.

"I know I'm great and all but my dear deserve more" Shawn shrugs kissing her nose. "Shawn I don't want or need anything, please just don't" Aria pouts holding him close.

"But aria-"



"Shawn" aria giggles.

"Aria" he says sternly.

"Aria- no wait Shawn" aria chuckles making Shawn crack a smile. "Please shawn, don't get me anything" aria tells him her eyes pleading, of course she appreciated the thought but she truly didn't need gifts to be happy.

"Okay" Shawn rolls his eyes. "Shawn don't be like that, I'll kiss you if you promise me" she tells him.

"Okay I promise" Shawn crosses his fingers behind his back and leans in to aria kissing her deeply, just like the first time the two felt like they were floating.

"Excuse me?"

Aria pushes Shawn away hopping of the counter. "Hi! How can I help?" Aria smiles tugging her apron down.

"I'm look for some daffodils" the lady smiles. Aria gets to helping her and Shawn stays watching on the side, he could watch her for hours and not get bored.

Aria's Flowers: Shawn Mendes✔️Where stories live. Discover now