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Chapter four: Youngblood

The informative announced the names of the horses over the loudspeaker to drone out the surface of indistinctive chatter. Through the obstacles life had to offer, throwing Caroline in every which way, the deep end and in the shallows, she often enjoyed attending the races as she was fascinated by the magnificent beasts which had million pound bets on them.

Just like every other day, Billy meant business, but on this particular day, a storm was brewing and he and his men were preparing for war against the Peaky Blinders who were undoubtedly in the midst of travelling to his racing grounds. What he wasn't aware of was the fact his daughter caught wind on the apparent rivalry between the two gangs and she'd wedged herself between them in order to gather information about their enemies and fight on behalf of her family. She'd make history for being the first woman in a gang who held no ties to a husband in the role. 

Caroline had an umbrella. To others, this would mean no harm and would simply be an accessory to match her emerald gown and floppy hat, but to herself, she possessed many techniques that could take out a threat without further ado. The tip had been sharpened in preparation for a throat stab; simple and quick, but brutal that would cause blood to spurt out over her dress. She hoped it wouldn't come to that, for it would be a shame to ruin such a pretty outfit.

With black laced gloved holding a cigarette, her heels clicked against the ground with her brother's arm linked with her own. Since Collin was on duty, she decided to take her brother as her date. Today would be a big day and the Kimber descendants had to show their face. They never got tired of greeting members of their society, plastering fake smiles on their faces and talking about the beaming heat of the sun. It was all apart of an act and they were more than happy to play their part.

Her curly hair bounced on her shoulders, and through flirtatious eyes and inviting smiles, she looked to the older men who stared back with lust, almost forgetting they were not bachelors in their youth and that they had wives and children. It sickened her to see how desperate these men were, so she used their fantasies to her advantage and today, if the worst came, she'd gather the man and form an army.

"Do you like Collin?" Oscar's small voice came out rough as he brushed past a figure who almost cut his connection off from his sister.

Caroline was honest as there was no point in lying to the boy. "I am not quite sure yet. Maybe I do, maybe I don't."

"What does that mean then?" He was curious. "Are you just using him?"



She couldn't tell him the truth just yet and when the time came, she'd tell him all about her devious plans, but right now, he needed to grasp his childhood while he still could before it was ripped away from him due to civil wars between their own gang and others. He had yet to mature and his innocence was sacred.

"You don't need to worry your pretty little head about it, Ossie." Caroline's grip tightened. "Just know that no matter what, I will protect you at all costs."

Oscar frowned. "It sounds like you're expecting something bad to happen."

"Well, what if I didn't? I wouldn't be prepared and I would be let down by the misfortune of optimism."

"Should I expect the unexpected?"



It wasn't long before the midday show began with three women being the opening act, dancing in a synchronised routine as they came down the stairs so elegantly to the trance of the music. The blinding spotlight dazzled their clothes and with admiration in her eyes, Caroline longingly sighed, yearning to be a Hollywood movie star, only she'd been placed dead in the middle of gang warfare and criminal activities. 

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