Twenty three.

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Chapter twenty three: Inferno

Roughly two years had passed since Caroline had confirmed her in depth feelings for Tommy Shelby, and not once did she regret the fateful day she signed herself up for the heartbreak that would come along with her association to the man whom she'd grown to adore. Of course, their subtle smiles to one another across the table hadn't gone unnoticed, and when Polly caught a whiff of the truth, she blessed the pair, highly hoping their love was eternal and grant Caroline a lifelong tie with their immediate family.

Of course, the rest of Tommy's siblings were happy for the pair and wished them well, patting Thomas on the shoulder and whispering cheeky words into his ear whilst hugging Caroline for dear life and reminding her that two wrongs don't make a right, seeing as how both individuals were very stubborn and that she should always do her best to apologise when she gave bother but still keep Thomas in line. 

Oscar wasn't too happy about the arrangement. At first, he stomped about the house, his heavy steps causing specks of the ceiling to flake and with his arms folded upon every visit, he glared between the two, scoffing and rolling his eyes. Caroline assumed this was due to his teenage hormones, but in reality, Oscar wasn't so keen on Tommy being around so often. Not only had Thomas killed their father, but he was terrified of him taking all of Caroline's attention. Oscar knew he wouldn't be the only man in her life but he hoped that she wouldn't forget about him.

Other than that, nobody knew of their relationship and nobody beyond the family dared to question it. It was confidential and the knowledge was restricted to those close, which was exactly the way they planned on keeping it. They were private people and appreciated the simplicity of a quiet love life. What nobody could deny, and for all those could see understood the chemistry the two shared, like a match made in hell.

With this, Caroline hadn't changed in the slightest in the way that everyone expected her too. With the thought of turning mellow with love, she almost gagged. Her personality and perspectives wouldn't differ because of a man, so to prove everyone wrong, she kept confident and kept Thomas on his toes by teasing him, pulling him in then pushing him away when he got too close.

To the Shelby's surprise, Thomas had changed for the better. Although his mannerisms were still the same as well as his hunger for the criminal business, he kept a small smile on his features when he was in the presence of his family. It wasn't much, but it was a significant change from his previous exterior, to the times when he wasn't so happy and motivated by the love of a woman. In this circumstance, two wrongs did make a right.

In the era of mid 1921, Caroline rolled over in her bed after a deep slumber, only to make an impact with another body. She never got used to awakening next to magnificent features, as though they were the most beautifully sculpted characteristics among mankind and should be protected behind a class showcase. 

The way his thick lashes batted in his sleep told her that he was fighting off the enemies in the tunnels during the war and with his twitches, she placed a hand on his cheek and almost immediately, he was soothed and drained from all insecurities. Even in his sleep he was like a horse and the only thing that could tranquillise him was Caroline. 

The nascent rays of the rising sun produced a gentle glow from within Caroline's lacy white blinds and when the particles danced in the air of her breath, she sighed, noting it was around six o'clock in the morning which was the time she had to be in work to open up the pub for early morning customers. 

Shuffling out of the comfort of her bed sheets, she slipped into the cold atmosphere without time to prepare for the drowning subzero temperature. Her garments from the night before lay sparse on the floor and she merely kicked them aside to dress herself in her appropriate work attire, though a smirk rested on her features as she recalled how quickly Tommy tore them off.

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