Chapter One

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There it was, the place you would spend most of your time from now on.Carlton University.

Never really attending a school before you were nervous. But you tried your best not to over think it.

You let all your fright go as you entered the start of your new future.


"Come on I don't want to be late on the first day back", Namjoon said half annoyed.

"Come on what's the rush we'll be there sooner or later", Jimin commented

"Yeah what's the rush", Jungkook said playfully

"Guys I've always had a straight attendance and was never once late", Namjoon replied cockily while blowing air on his nails.

Him knowing well that would tick them off.

"Stop showing off", Yoongi huffed in a low tone

"Why not?", Namjoon questioned

"Why do we put up with you?", Jin said a smirk creeping on his face

"Do you want to know the answer", Namjoon said dryly

Then they all put their hands defensively.

"Thought so" Namjoon said more to himself

He then looked out the window thinking, as the others carried on with their conversation.


As you entered the schools main building. You were shocked to see so many people.

Being the introvert you were you immediately tensed at the sight of so many people.

Even though you were accustomed, you rather being by yourself.

"This isn't going to be easy",you said to yourself *sighs*

You continued through the crowd to the desk to get your timetable and the where abouts of your room.

To your surprise you reached in one piece. But the line was already as long as hell. Making your jaw drop.

'College Life' was all that went through your mind.


"Finally", Namjoon said as he stepped out of the car, waiting to retrieve his luggage

"Dude you over think things", Taehyung said a smile plastered on his face

"Says the one who literally crashed trying to figure out the square root of 100", Namjoon said rolling his eyes, as he stared at his watch

"Hey! I wasn't in a right state of mind. Don't judge", Taehyung said clearly offended

"No one told you to get wasted the night before an important exam", Jin said as he emerged from the car

Taehyung stood there, his mouth agape.

"Come on guys lets just get our stuff and go register", Namjoon said clearly getting annoyed

Hoseok then jumped out the drivers seat and opened the trunk.

Each of them then got their stuff and headed towards the main building .


You had finally reached the front of the line relieved.

You quickly gave them your information, and recieved your timetable and room location.

As you turned to leave, you bumped into someone. Dropping the papers you had just recieved.

Not wanting to look the person in the face, feeling really embarrased.

You bent down to retrieve your papers.

When you and the anonymous person hands met, you pulled yours away ashamed of what was happening.

You quickly stood up, blushing harder than anything.

He then stood up and handed you your papers. You quickly bowed and was off, before who ever he was tried to start a conversation.


Thanks for reading.

This is my first book so try not to judge.

Chapter Two coming soon . Looking forward hear from you.

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