Chapter Four

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Monday Morning
       5:30 a.m.

Your alarm went off which startled you.

You raised off your bed, and headed straight for the bathroom.

Too your surprise, your roommates weren't up yet. So you took your time in the bathroom.

When you emerged from the bathroom, you were greeted by a smiling Alicia.

"Morning", she said

"Good Morning", you replied

"You got up really early", she said

"Uh.....Yeah, that is usually the time I get up", you said

"Well not me. I'm no early bird. Ashlee worse she is still asleep . I was now on my way to wake her up", she said

"Okay. When is your first class", you said

"At 8, I still got a lot of time", Alicia said while blowing her nails

"Cool. Later then", you said

"Alright, later then", Alicia said

You then went to your room and got dressed.

You decided on a black hoodie, grey sweat pants and black and white converse sneakers. You then put your hair in a ponytail.

After getting ready, you left for your first class.


On the other hand Namjoon was now waking up.

He quickly jumped out of bed when he saw the time.

7:05 a.m.

He was rushing to the bathroom, when he was stopped by Taehyung.

"Hey Nams. Last night was crazy man", Taehyung said

"Tae, I have no time for your shit. I'm late", Namjoon said

"Wow last night took a toll on you", Jimin said with an arched brow.

Namjoon was unaware of what Jimin said because he was already gone.

He then took a shower, and got ready.

He wore a white t-shirt, with black jeans and timberlands.

He then left before anyone could stop him. It was already 7:20 which meant he had 10 minutes to reach his class.


You were seated in class awaiting your professor.

Proud of yourself at how much time you had speared.

That was the first day of school, and you were determined to have a perfect attendance.

You were seated at the back of the class, and was happy when no one decided to sit next to you.


Namjoon's P.O.V.

I ran into the class and to my surprise before the teacher.

I then bent over to catch my breathe.

When my breathing stabilized, I got up and started walking further into the class to find a seat.

That's when I saw her, the girl I couldn't get off my mind.

Lucky for me the seat next to her was empty, so I sat there.

As I sat the teacher came in, and started class, so I was not able to talk to her. *sighs*


Class had finished, you were about to leave when he stopped you.

"Hi", he said in a deep tone

You did not want to make conversation, but not wanting to be rude you replied.


"I don't know if you remember me from yesterday and all", he said

"Oh yes, I remember. Sorry about that", you said

"No reason to apologize. It should be me saying sorry", he said rubbing the back of his head

"No problem", you said with straight face

Both of you stared at each other, then he broke the awkward silence.

"Oh..... My name is Kim Namjoon, nice to meet you", he said extending his hand

"Nice to meet you too, my name is Gim Y/N", you said "I don't want to be rude and all but I have to go".

"No probs", he said

You then turned around and left without bothering to turn around.

'Something doesn't feel right about him' was all going through your mind.

'Gim huh?' namjoon thought


Hope you enjoyed the chapter.💖

What did you think of their first encounter.

Until next time.🖐



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