Chapter Three

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You sat on a sofa, still amazed at the sight you were beholding.

"Do you want anything", Alicia asked

"Yeah", Ashlee said

"I wasn't talking to you...... I was talking to Y/N", Alicia said rolling her eyes

"Oh..... Sorry", Ashlee said

"I'm fine thanks", you said

"Well then more for me", Ashlee said while getting up to go in the kitchen

Alicia stood there her hand on her hips, staring at Ashlee.

"What", Ashlee said

"Nothing",Alicia said

Ashlee shrugged and continued unbothered.

"So what are you studying?", Alicia asked

"Business",you said

"Wow tough course..... I'm studying Sciences", Alicia said

"I'm studying the Arts" Ashlee said an offended look on her face "Not that you asked", she rolled her eyes

"How old are you Y/N", Alicia said clearly not bothered by ashlee

"I'm 18 years old",you said very firmly

"Wow! I'm 17 years old, turning 18 in October", Alicia said clearly excited that we were basically the same age

"Ashlee's 18 years aswell", Alicia added

"This is going to be a good change", I said to myself as I jumped of the sofa to go to my room.


Namjoon's P.O.V.

I  just finished my shower, heading towards my room.

Even though I was there physically, my mind was roaming.

I wasn't sure why, but I couldn't get my mind off the girl, from earlier on. I was basically in another world.

"Namjoon, come on", Taehyung said

"What", Namjoon said immediately breaking out of his trance.

"Did you forget",Jimin asked arching a brow  

I stood there unable to recollect, what they were talking about.

"I got nothing",I said shrugging

"We're going out, to get something to eat", Jimin said rolling his eyes 

"The one that never forgets has forgotten", Taehyung said a surprised look on his face

"Shut up Tae. I'm not in the mood for your sit tonight", I said raising a finger at him.

Taehyung started laughing, "Alright dad. But seriously get ready the boys should be here soon".

I then chuckled and continued the walk to his room to get changed.    

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