Chapter Eight

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Two Words:


'Seriously of all the places' you taught as you saw your destination.

You sighed before saying, "Alicia, are you serious"

"Yeah we can get a room and enjoy the night together", Alicia said nudging Ashlee

"Yeah, don't worry", Ashlee added

"But...", you were cut off

"No buts, you're going", Alicia said grabbing both you and Ashlee's hand pulling you into the line.

As you entered the line, there were a lot of people waiting. You concluded that it was a popular place.

Knowing you'd be there for a while, you took out your phone.

Namjoon's P.O.V

We finally arrived at our destination, our Friday night spot, "THE CLUB'.

We joined the line and I was star struck to see who was standing in front of us.

Y/N and her friends.

This was my first chance to put the plan into action.

"Jin-hyung", I started "our target is in sight", he quickly watched and saw her then signaled the others.

"Okay. Let us move in", I signaled for everyone to follow me.


"Oh, hi!" you heard someone say from behind. You assumed it was not you so you continued on your phone.

Alicia then touched you on your shoulder, you watched her and she signaled behind you.

You turned around to be met by them, once again.

"Hi!", Jin said waving

"Hi. Jin!", Alicia said "did not expect to see you here."

"Oh. Well this is our usual hang out on Fridays. Hi Ashlee. Hi Y/N", Jin said waving

"Hey", Ashlee said

You said nothing to him and turned your focus back to your screen.

Alicia nudged you. You rolled your eyes before saying. "Hello, goodnight."

This whole week you were approached by them. Not as a group but individually and  you did not want to see them anymore.

What you did not realize was all this time Namjoon's eyes were glued too you.

As much as he did not want to admit it you were actually kinda-sorta-cute.

"What are you guys doing here?", Namjoon asked

"Just trying to have a good Friday", Alicia said

"Which is mow ruined", you muttered to yourself but Ashlee heard and let out a snicker.

"What is so funny", Jungkook asked looking at Ashlee with a raised brow

"Nothing much", Ashlee said in between her laughing "you would not get it anyway."

"Do you guys mind if we hang out tonight", Jin said "it would be fun."

"That's not fun sleeping is", Ashlee and Yoongi replied in unison

Which earned everyone's attention. We looked back and forth at the both of them.

It seemed like forever, before Alicia broke the silence." Sure."


Alicia P.O.V.

He was breath taking.

I was lost in the way of his eyes, at how beautifully handsome he was.

Min Yoongi.

But I cannot lose focus I'm here for something far too important.


I will not be updating for a while again.

Hope you enjoyed though.

Thank you Alicia for the inspiration.


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