Chapter Fourteen

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I'm so hooked on Tae and Jimins  song.
Love it so much💜💜💜


It's closed for the weekend. Great.

I just read the sign and I said it's closed for the weekend. Just Great!

Where are we going to so this now. His dorm. Hell! No! We'll just do it an my dorm.

I took out my phone went to his contact and left a text.
Hey can we change the meeting place.

Rap Monster ☠️
But why though?
                                The library is closed.

Rap Monster ☠️
Oh. So where we meeting?
                                               At my dorm.

Rap Monster ☠️
Ohhhhhh...... really 😏

I rolled my eyes.

                                                Me.                      Yes. I'll send the address, just be here          
                                                   by 10.

Rap Monster ☠️
Ok. Later Sweetheart.

I cringed at the name.


Y/N arrived at the dorm and she was met by her roommates. She decided to tell them now.

"Guys I invited someone over tomorrow"

"Really?" "Who?" came Alicia and Ashlee simultaneously.

"You remember Namjoon right? Yeah. Him."

"Ok wow. That is last person I would think of you bringing here" said Alicia

"Same" Ashlee confirmed her agreement

"Well I don't have much choice. We have an assignment due Monday and the library is closed. I for one am not going to his dorm so I invited him here." You said in despair

"But-" Alicia
"Okay" Ashlee
"No problems" Adrianna

They all replied at the same time.

"Ty guys I'll be in my room until my next class" you said walking away.

"Yh but why don't you hang with us" Alicia stopped you.

"I'm busy maybe tomorrow night" y/n replied

"Sure" Adrianna and Ashlee said. Y/N then walked away.

"Who is this Namjoon guy now" Adrianna says puzzled.

"He is one of the people we suspect" Ashlee said walking to the kitchen.

" Oh so you think he is up to something?" Adrianna asked

"Doubt it. Y/N can handle him, no worries." Alicia relied confidently then whispered," I think"


Jungkook POV

(next day)

I watched the mirror inspecting the blue purple mark around  my jaw.

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