18.1 Troublesome Virgin

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Translated by Amaryllideae, Edited by Ahzinal

When Luo Fei opened his eyes, he saw a field of white in front of him. He was still a little groggy at the time, so he was wondering what it was. He subconsciously poked it with his hand. When he finished poking, the thing actually moved! It was alive!

A live Xi Yanqing!

Luo Fei was so scared that he quickly pushed him: "You! How are you in my blanket?!"

As Xi Yanqing turned, he rubbed at his eyes: "I'm not?" He looked left and right and especially innocently said: "Is this not my blanket?"

Luo Fei opened his mouth and looked carefully. Fuck, it couldn't be! His blanket was folded properly, still waiting for its master, and he, the master, hadn't even gone under it to sleep! 

Even if he was justified, he definitely wouldn't be able to argue with Xi Yanqing until things were made clear. Luo Fei's whole face turned red: "M-maybe it's because, at home, Si-bao always steals my blankets. I got used to trying to look for them on the left side... Cough, what time is it?"

"It should be just about Mao Shi (5-7 AM). The sky is already getting bright." Xi Yanqing said as he grew sober and got up to change his outer clothes. He naturally got off the bed and said, "If you are still sleepy, then just keep sleeping for a little. I'll go out to heat the water first."

"Oh, t-then I will go out to help you in a little." Luo Fei felt a little guilty, and did not dare to look at Xi Yanqing. When Xi Yanqing went out, he held his head and rocked back and forth while shouting silently like a madman: Fuckfuckfuck. Luo Fei, do you want to ascend to the heavens and sit side by side to the sun*?! You actually dared to go hug the tiger's back? You're not looking for that!

[T/N: His whole freak out is just about how he basically "offered" himself up as a sacrifice lol]

You must be aware of it next time, got it? !

Got it.

That's more like it!

Luo Fei nodded with satisfaction and cut out his personality of the severely mentally ill film emperor and changed his clothes in a solemn manner. He didn't even take off his wedding clothes yesterday. Yesterday, it was another matter, but today, it is not suitable to wear to do work.

When Xi Yanqing was not in the room anymore, Luo Fei changed into a set of common coarse cotton clothes, then folded the quilts and dilly-dallied out.

Xi Yanqing was already carrying the chopped wood into the house.

"The water in the pot is still warm. You can wash your face first." Xi Yanqing pointed at a relatively large wooden basin and said, "You can use that basin, I usually use it for washing my face and rinsing my mouth. Use that one for washing vegetables to cook." Xi Yanqing pointed again to a smaller one. "I will go out and bring in two more buckets of water. If you need anything, call for me."

"Okay, then what should we eat for breakfast today?" Luo Fei thought of the fish he had eaten last night. He was not sure if Xi Yanqing would be willing to eat his leftovers.

"Isn't there still some fish left from yesterday?" Xi Yanqing said, not the least bit concerned. "There are also still some steamed buns, and we can make some porridge in a little bit. Let's just eat this mouthful for breakfast."

"All right." Luo Fei watched Xi Yanqing go out and lifted the pot lid.

The Xi house has a total of two stovetops. One was a stovetop for two pots; a large pot could be used to boil water and heat up dishes, a small pan could be used for stir-frying dishes or making porridge or rice. The other was a medium-sized pan stovetop on the side of the connection to the smaller building. Usually, it was not used a lot. It was just used for boiling some water every few days. Its main purpose was to warm up the smaller building, or it would be too cold. Although no one really lived in the smaller building, some stuff was still put in there, and if it was cold there, it would affect the overall temperature of the whole house, so every few days, they would still use it.

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