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Translated by Amaryllideae, Unedited because Ahzinal has very important exams!!! Everyone wish them luck :3

Han Xu told Luo Fei about a few basic designs, wanting to hear Luo Fei's opinion. Luo Fei told him to just embroider some clusters of flowers and a flying phoenix, the symbolism was good and it would also look beautiful. When he was in the modern world, Luo Fei used to see a lot of his Grandma's embroidery drawings, after a few minutes he already suggested a few classic ones to Han Xu. As Han Xu listened, he was extremely pleased, as expected and said: "That is also good, then let's embroider what you said. But when I don't know how to do something you ought to teach me."

"Don't worry, don't worry, who's the one with you? If you don't know how to do something just come over with the veil anytime." Luo Fei finished and rubbed his ears. "Hey, what if I just call him 'big tiger'?"

"Ah? What big tiger?" Han Xu didn't look up from embroidering.

"Just Xi Yanqing, how about I call him 'big tiger'?"

"Pfft, why do you want to call him 'big tiger'?"

"Look, he's so tall and big, and he definitely has a lot of strength, you know? Even that heavy of a hammer when you ask him to swing it, he can just do it, if it was me, just lifting it would take so much energy."

"The yellow cow's strength is also big, why don't you just call him 'big yellow cow'?! Ha, what exactly is your brain filled with?" Han Xu teased, "although hearing you say it like that it seems like it would be pretty fun, occasionally calling him like that would be okay. My family's Hua Zhang-ge, I usually call him a Brother Carpenter, others don't call him like this, and he is willing to let me be the only one to call him like that."

"Wow wow, you seem so satisfied."

"Of course, his carpentry work is very good. He has built a new set of furniture for the new house. I will take you to see it later, it is super beautiful." Han Xu just thinking about it made him happy. "Right, right, there is also an important thing I almost forgot to tell you. Five years ago, Brother Carpenter prepared a lot of wood. This time, even after making the furniture, there is still some material left. He asked me if you and your Xi-dage is lacking any furniture, if so he will find the time to build it for you. No need to pay. But it seems he won't be able to make anything too big, he should be able to make two small pieces, like tables or chairs."

"We actually do have stuff we need to make, but this matter I will have to ask Xi Yanqing first, I can't make your Brother Carpenter work for nothing." He has a good relationship with Han Xu, but this is another matter*. Furniture are big items, these ancient times aren't like the modern times where there are many convenient tools to use, what electric drill or expander bolts, here it is really purely reliant on one's craftsmanship, making things was quite troublesome.

[T/N: The idiom is literally "That's a horse of another color."]

"You saying it like that I am not happy to hear, who just talked to you about that? Us two, who is close with whom?"

"All right, then I will first ask Xi Yanqing what we're missing." Xi Yanqing is the boss, this matter has to be reported to the boss.

Han Xu sat down for another while and then said that he would first sketch out the design and the come find Luo Fei. And Luo Fei, with new information, naturally hurriedly went to the boss to discuss.

Xi Yanqing had already finished mending the vegetable garden fence. At this moment, he was carrying the shovel on his right shoulder, with his left hand carrying the hammer, walking to the front yard. In the end, he really was a person who been a soldier and fought a war, when he walked his footsteps felt particularly firm and steady.

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