Chapter 15

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[A/N- I am so so so so so so sorry i haven't updated in  such a long time. It's felt like forever. I've been so busy with school, outside activities, and also family issues. My classes and homework take up most of my weeknights and church, events, and family time takes up the weekends. I also had many other social media sites that I have to maintain. I have also had some trouble in my life personally that has prevented me from doing much of anything. I hope that you enjoy this chapter even thought it doesn't make up for my absence of these 2 weeks. I'm working on writing more so that i have chapters already ready to post when i don't have the time to type. Sorry if the chapter sucks- which it probably does- but thanks for reading. I take all suggestions so don't forget to comment and vote! 
(sorry for such a long author's note)
i love yall byeee]

*Tris' POV*

I woke up to see Tobias asleep next to me. My head was on his chest and his arms were wound around my chest protectively. We had spent almost the entire night trying ot figure out the things behind that announcement. Of course we had no luck. 

Trying to be silent, I slipped out of the bed. I didn't want to wake Tobias after the long night we had. When I went to change, I realized all my clothes were in my apartment since I hadn't come here in so long. I took a step towards the door and heard someone clearing their throat behind me. 

I whipped around as fast as I could in the direction I heard the noise. It was just Tobias. 

"You scared the shit out of me." I said as I walked to give him a hug. 

"Oops?" He laughed. 

I stuck my tongue out at him and ran out of the room. I heard him laugh again and close the door. He knew i would be a while getting ready and obviously wasn't coming in here with me. Mainly because i told him it was a huge mess. 

Looking through my closet, I couldn't find anything I wanted to wear. I was getting kind of tired of wearing the plain black but that was all I owned. I wasn't sure if Tobias had anything planned out of our apartments today so I couldn't wear the Abnegation clothes. 

I finally settled on a deep-red crop top, black high-waisted skinny jeans, and black and white converse. It seemed casual enough and not too sloppy. 

After showering, getting dressed and brushing my hair, I went back over to Tobias's apartment. I wanted to spend the day with him after all our time apart in the last little while, thanks to Gabby. 

Speaking of her, I think Tobias thought I forgot about her. Well I didn't and I probably wouldn't for a while. I mean, I had just gotten back to normal and I see him with another girl? It's been haunting me and will continue to. I shook my head, not wanting to think about that. 

I walked across the hall and turned the handle. He usually left his door open when he knew I would be coming back. Walking inside, I smelled his soap and knew he was in the shower. He took pretty long showers so I sat down on his bed and looked around. I never really took a good look at the things in his apartment because I was never really in here without him. 

On the wall about the door there was a glass case with a variety of knives. He had all the ones that he had done something special- to him at least- with. I knew one of them was the first knife he ever threw that he took from the training room. And another one had something to do with the first fight he won. 

Then there was his bed that was a simple queen sized with white sheets. We technically weren't allowed to have colors other than red or black but the two of us had brighter colors. My sheets were purple. It was just one of those acts of defiance we like to do every once in a while, but we never go too far. 

Other than his closet and bathroom, there wasn't much else. A few posters littered the walls and there were pictures on a table. He had one of us sitting together on the rocks by the chasm- thanks to Christina. The others were of him and his friends, some before I came and some after. I smiled at the memories behind the pictures. I didn't have many pictures in my apartment but I really needed to get some. 

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