lets put on a show

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Your POV
You woke up in the middle of the night.  It was odd,  and much more comfortable then the flimsy mattress they gave you.  You looked up from what you thought was your pillow,  to see alastor with his arms wrapped around your waist,  sleeping peacefully.  You blush,  he was quite cute while he slept.  You almost got a nose bleed when you realize he wasn't wearing a shirt, he was lean but not overly muscular.  His red eyes flicker on,  looking down at you. His smile widens.  He hasn't stopped smiling ever since the kiss you had,  and it was wonderful.  Made you think that if this place made him stop smiling.  Hm.
" Good morning (y/n),  I hope you slept well~" He says,  with his voice much more cheerful then when you first met him. " G-good morning! Sorry for passing out on you. " You say sitting up.  He sits up as well stretching out his long arms.  " It's quite alright,  I enjoyed it!  You are very warm,  and adorable while you sleep~" He says.  His ears perking up at you.  Was he happy to have you here?  You hoped so.
A door opened behind you.  The doctor walks in,  a clip board in hand. 
" I hope you know what day it is SCP 666- why is he not wearing his restraint jacket?!" He asks. 
" It's fine,  he won't hurt me!  And what do you mean ' what day it is?'" You ask,  tilting your head.  Alastors ears go down.  " N-no.. " He says,  holding your arm tightly,  but not to the point where it hurts. 
" Oh yes, you just got here the other day.  Well (y/n),  every once in a while we get one of the patients in the facility and test out our methods on these SCPs. " He says.  You stand in front of alastor.  " No!  What you guys do to the patients is pure torture! " You yell. 
" Funny how you think that I'm asking.  " He says,  snapping his fingers.  Security runs in and tazzes alastor. 
" A-AHHH!!! " he yells,  falling to the ground.  Before you could go to him,  the guards grab you pulling you out of the room,  no matter how much you yelled. 
" Be sure that you don't miss the show (y/n)! " The doctor yells.
Your heart broken.  You love him and there just going to do shit like this?!  That's not right!
You thought you might as well go to the operating stage so you could know what's going on. The operating stage was lined with thick glass so no one escapes.  You could see so many scratch marks on the glass. As more members of the faculty pile in,  you could see all the tools getting set up.
There was a long rod with to spikes on the end which you could only assume that it sent electricity through the victims body,  an odd bottle of foggy water,  and a syringe with black liquid in it.  An operating table sat in the middle of it all,  straps hanging off it.
The sight of it made you anxious, knowing alastor was going to be the test money for all of those tools. 
The lights go out,  and the ones on the stage brighten. 
" Good evening ladies and gentlemen!  Welcome to testing!  We shall be testing a number of tools on SCP 666, or more commonly known as the radio demon! " He announced.  You hear a few gasps from the crowd and a lot of clapping.  You cover your mouth as you see alastor dragged on the stage and thrown onto the operating table,  being strapped down. 
They position the table at an angle so that alastor can have a great view of the large crowd of doctors.  His weak eyes find yours and his hand tries to give you a wave.  You smile worryingly and wave back. 
" What is that?  Interacting with the crowd?  WRONG! "the doctor yells picking up the long rod and stabbing it into his stomach.  His hair stands on end and his body stiffens.  You gasp,  I'm so sorry... You think.  He spits out a bit of blood, but he's still smiling. 
He looks like he's actually insane,  oh wait he was a serial killer. But then again your insane as well. 
" What's this?  Still smiling? Hmmm.  We need to fix that! " The doctor says picking up the syringe with black liquid in it. 
" What are you going to do to me? " Alastor asks.  The doctor just ignored and injects the black liquid into alastors neck.  His eyes widen.  But then he just starts laughing.  His veins turn black on his pale skin,  and his eyes turn coal black with red radio dials for pupils.  His head twitches and all of the sudden  his neck snaps to the side.  The lights go out,  and all you can hear are screams of fear.  The lights flicker back on,  and alastor was no where to be seen.  The doctor looks around.  " Where are you ya little shit! " He yells.
A dark chuckle radiates through the room.  " That's quite rude of you~" A dark voice says.  Alastor jumps down from some where in the roof,  and he looked different.  His claws where larger,  his antlers grew back,  he looked like skin and bones,  his face showed a dark smile. Kind of like a windago.

( I didn't draw this) You stood up quickly,  but didn't run

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( I didn't draw this)
You stood up quickly,  but didn't run.  You break off a metal piece of a chair,  and run towards the window.  You smack it as hard as you can,  making a large crack.  You smack it again.  The crack gets bigger,  a piece of glass falling on the floor and shattering. 
You hit it one more time,  before a large hole is broken into the glass.  All you could hear are the screams of the doctor. You could see him trying to tazze alastor,  but what ever he did to him,  it has no effect.  You ram your way through the glass,  cutting up your arms and falling over. You look up to see alastors long hands around the doctors neck,  lifting him up.  You stand up quickly and run to alastor.
" Alastor!  Alastor,  it's me!  (Y/n)! " You say,  putting your arms up.  His head snaps towards you,  and it's like he's staring into your soul.  He drops the doctor,  walking towards you.  He stops right in front of your face,  and just looks at you.  " Alastor,  it's me... It's ok,  I won't hurt you.. " You say,  putting your arms out slowly.  He lowers his head to you,  rubbing up against your chest.  You didn't mind his antlers staging your arms,  you just gently rubbed his ears.  His smile warms up a bit.  You ignored the dead assistants on the floor and the blood dripping from his teeth.  You knew that it was his way of getting back at them,  or it wasn't his fault at all.
" TAKE THIS YOU SPAWN OF SATAN!" the doctor yells,  chucking the bottle of foggy water at alastors back.  It broke open,  and it sizzled on his back.  He screeches, hovering over you. 
Holy water? 
He was blocking you from it.  His dark smile returned,  staring down the doctor.  He glitches out and runs towards him,  swiping him with his long arm,  sending the doctor flying into the glass.  You run over to the table and grab the long rod he stabbed alastor with,  and threw it at the doctor.  It ended up nailing him in the head,  and his body went limp.  Alastor ran to you and wraps his long slender like arms around you.  You try your best to hug him back. 
" It's ok alastor... I'm here... " You say to him.  You could feel him changing back to normal,  growing smaller in size.  Soon he was back to normal,  and ripped pants and nothing else. And yes you were still hugging him. 
He looks you in the eyes,  and his cracks seem to have gone away on his eyes.  You place your hands on his cheeks.  " Are you alright alastor?. " You ask him.  He lifts your chin,  staring back at you.  His smile was warm and delicate,  and not like the one he hand on while killing the doctor. He leans forward a little,  but you grab his shoulders pulling him down into a kiss.  He was so passionate,  yet so soft.  It was lovely.  You wrapped your as around his neck looking into his blood red eyes.
" My dear,  it would be a great honor if you would come to hell with me... Will you? " He asks.  You smile like an idiot and hug him tightly.  " Yes.. ~" You say.  He hugs you back.
You were like partners in crime.

Area 51 SCP  (insane alastor x doctor reader)Where stories live. Discover now