vaggie no...

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The next day was oddly hot for hell, and almost every one there was wearing thin clothing to try and stay cool. You just put on short-shorts and a tang top. Angel was not really wearing anything, most of the guys wore work out pants and no shirt.
You had to talk alastor into doing what everyone was doing, because of the amount of scars he has, he does not want people asking how he got the scars.
" I don't know (y/n)... I used to love people looking at me with fear but now the fear in for me.. " He says.
You sigh and hold his hand." Alastor, please, I don't want you to over heat. It's over 100° out side and it's not much better in the hotel. " You say.
" And besides, I don't think people will ask, and if they do, I'll kill them for you~" You say, planting a kiss on his cheek. His smile brightens up. " Alright fine. It's is very hot a suppose.
" He says, removing his shirt. You had stitch up some of his cuts but the were healed by now and turned into scars, marking all over his body.
You blush a little bit at the sight of all his no shirt glory.
" Come on, let's go have some iced coffee, sound nice? " You ask him. He nods his head and holds you and, walking down to the lobby where everyone is doing the star fish on the cold tile.
" This ain't so bad. " Angel says from the floor. He was wearing a thong and sprawled out on the floor.
" God damn it angel. " You say, stepping over some of the misfits. You make your way the the kitchen with alastor and you spot vaggie, looking through the supplies drawer, and wearing a long sleeve with jeans? Niffty keeps some sewing supplies in there, and it's too hot for that attire.
" Uh vaggie? Looking for something?"
You ask. She shoots her head up and gives you the oh-crap-ive-been-caught look.
"I-i um. No.. " She says, turning around and going to walk out. Her sleeve rolls up a bit and you see a red line that shines in the light above. It looks like a cut. It is a cut.
" Oh my word.. " Alastor mumbles. He must have seen it too, and your sure he also knows the difference between an accidental cut and a purposeful, clean cut.
" You don't think that she's... " He says, making a motion of cutting his arm. You sigh looking down at the tile floor. " I'm afraid that she may be.. "
You walk up to vaggies room, and yes alastor insists on following you. You give a light knock on the door.
You hear a painful swear on the other side of the door. " Vaggie?. Are you alright?. " Alastor says, hoping vaggie could hear.
" U-uh yes!. " She says through the door. You frown and jiggle the door nob. " Vaggie can we come in?. " You ask her.
" Please go away!.. " She says  and goes dead silent.
You hear a loud thud and a smash. Sounds like she punched a mirror.
Alastor gently moves your hand off the door nob and grabs hold of it, giving it a firm twist, breaking the lock. You run in and see bagging in her small bath room. Their was glass on the floor around her and some sticking out of her knuckle. Tears streamed down her cheeks and the thing that made you hold your breath was her arms. She was not wearing a long sleeve, but her normal dress.
Long... Deep... Cuts...
You run over in a panic, dread filling your soul. Vaggie tries to his her arms but it was too late. You hold her hand inspecting her hand and arm. You could see through her knee high stockings that there was more, and alastor stood behind, horrified.
" Vaggie... No.. " He says, gently taking her other arm. She clings onto you and alastor, sobbing. " I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry... " She chokes out. You step over some glass and go into her cabinet, looking through all the things and finding a first aid in the back. Reading your mind, and dear demon leads vaggie over to her bed and he sets her down and let's her hold his arm. You settle down next to her and pull out some gauze, softly wrapping it around her arms. She clutches alastors arm in pain, and he gently pats her head.
Once you finish, you hold her good hand and look into her eye.
" Vaggie... What happened?.. What made you do that?.. " You ask, already knowing her answer.
" I just... T-that place... I keep reliving those memories in my head when I sleep... It burns... It hurts so much... But when I cut... It just.. " She pauses and looks away. " It just stops... "
" There are other ways to handle this vaggie.. " Alastor says gently, like how he would talk to you. " You can talk to others about it.. Find something to keep you busy.. Things that make you happy... Like Charlie.. " He says.
" And if you ever need anything.. You just come get us. " You say to her. She brings you and alastor in for a tight hug and tears go down her cheeks.
" Alright vags, we're going to let you sleep, and in the morning, we can all sit outside and talk this over. " You say. She nods and lays down, and alastor puts a cover over her.
You both go out the room and sigh.
" That poor soul.. " Alastor mumbles. 
For you, it looks like your just going to be helping every one here.
Alastor hugs you and nuzzles your neck. " Please... Never do what she's doing.. " He says. You smile and stroke his ears. " I would never.. ~"
He presses you against his shirtless body, purring as you rub his ears.

I have to finish what that doctor started...

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