the funeral

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It was raining outside, the sky was dark. You sat it the field in front of a head stone.

Here lies Niffty.
A wonderful soul, who deserves so much better.

A lot of roses pooled up around the stone, and candles that had been burned out from the rain. In the center of the pile, a little photograph of all of the misfits, it  was taken on Nifftys birthday which was not to long ago.
"She looks so happy... " You say to yourself. Each rain drop that hits your neck and skin sizzles with a little steam. You pull out a little box that you had gotten, it was Nifftys gift but...
" Hey Niffty... It's (y/n)... I-i brought you your birthday present... I wasn't done with it in your birthday but... I hope you like it... " You say sadly and you open the box, taking out a little doll of Niffty. You knitted the hair and dress, and a orange button was on the face, a sewn on smile.
You gently kiss the forehead of the doll as lava like years roll down your cheeks and burn holes in your black dress. You hear foot steps behind you but ignore them.

" I'm so sorry Niffty... I'm so so so sorry.. . " You sob out holding the doll close. A hand rests on your shoulder and judging by the red light that demon was making, it was alastor. You look up to him and see his ears down, and he slowly moves to sit down it the wet grass next to you.
" This is all my fault... I should have killed him as soon as I saw h-" You cut off alastor by hugging him tightly.
" Don't say that... Just d-dont fucking say that... It's not your fault.. It's mine... " You sob into his shoulder. He wraps his arms around you and it was almost like he was going to try and rock you into a deep sleep.
You look up at him with tears in your eyes, and kiss him on the cheek. You slowly lift up the little doll and show it to alastor.
" It was her present... So I am going to lay the doll to rest with her... " You say with a shaky voice. He picks the doll up and hugs it, his mouth moving but no words come out. Almost like a prayer. He looks up into your teary eyes and sets the little doll down, leaning it on the picture of Niffty and the misfits.

You look down and close your eyes, hair glowing a bit, one by one the candles around the stone re-light.
You open your eyes and hold alastors hands, and your both resting your heads on one another.
Niffty was a bright little star for the time you had known her. Over the few months of being in hell, she had made you smile with the fact that she never knew when to quit. She was always so happy, and very creative. She loved music and you will always remember her favorite song.. Forever for now...
You slowly start to sing, and like on que, alastor hums a melody.

" Hush, hush
Don't say a word
The faint cries can hardly be heard
A storm lies beyond the horizon, barely"
Thunder cracks through the sky as you sing, sending a flash of light all across hell.
"Don’t stop
Sweep through the days
Like children that can’t stay awake
Stay here untainted and say"
You shut your eyes tightly and sing aloud.
"Stay while the melody’s sung
Break like a wave on the run
I do be sure I can’t say anymore
I just know that it won’t last forever"
You could feel the shaking in alastors, arms, you pull him closer to you and you see tears going down his face, but he's managing to keep a smile on.
"Rush, rush
Take me away
Like hourglass sand that never escapes
Stars are born and then die, but carefree"
For Niffty...
"A small clock that ticks without time
And watched by an ocean of eyes
Ending, ascending and then"
You sing a melody, it was almost like a siren was trying to lore men to their deaths
"Stay while the melody’s sung
Break like a wave on the run
I do be sure I can’t say anymore
I just know that it won’t last 
I just know that it won’t last forever"

It was always and odd song. The lyrics confused you, but it was beautiful none the less. It was an odd song, but at this moment, it was the only thing that made sence....

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