The school, loud as usual with people going to their lockers and walking to class. You sighed as you walked to your locker and unlocked it, spinning the dial to the correct numbers. Pulling on the metal lock caused a click as you took it off and opened the iron locker door.
Binders filled the locker, along with pencils and erasers. You robotically put your bag away and took out all that you needed for class. It was time to go to Mrs. Alphys' class. Locking the locker again, you started for the direction of the class. You then noticed a presence behind you.
"Oh, Hey, Kris." You spoke to the boy once you turned around. The taller male looked at you, brown locks fluttering lightly as his green and yellow striped shirt reflected the light of the hallway. He gave a wave, not smiling as usual. You gave a tired smile.
Kris had been your friend for while now. Ever since he moved here with his mother you had greeted him with a smile and a kind personality. Although, even around you, he never spoke or even smile. You thought he might of just been mute and shy. But you never really knew.
"Let's walk to class together, Kris!" You chirped, falling out of your bleak mood. Kris nodded curtly and pointed to your stuff, asking to carry it. You shrugged and gave him the supplies as you walked by him, telling him about the upcoming project you guys had and who he was going to partner with. Of course, he didn't really answer.
Class had been a bore, Although it got interesting as Susie walked in, being late yet again. Ms. Alphys had partnered the two up for the project, in which case you just smiled teasingly at Kris. Kris didn't reply, just slouched his shoulders a bit. Alphys partnered you up with Noelle and Berdly for a group of three. You just listened as Berdly went on a tangent of how he would rather partner up in a group of three with you than Kris anyways.Alphys sent Susie to go get more chalk since someone stole it again. Kris had to go with her. You sighed and held your head up on the desk as you listened to Noelle explain the plan for the group project.
You shot up after hearing a loud 'THUMP' from outside the door. You excused yourself from the desk you were at and asked Alphys if you could go check the noise. She gave a shaky nod and you ran to the door, opening it.
There you saw Kris being pushed against a locker by Susie, her jaws unhinged, ready to bite his face off.
"H-Hey! PLEASE STOP!" You squealed as Susie stopped and dropped Kris, looking at you.
"And what are you gonna do about it, Punk?" Susie snarled as you desperately thought of something to say. One thought came to your mind.
"I'll...Tell the teacher. I'll get help. This behavior isn't great for anyone's safety!" You claimed with truth. Susie just grunts and rolls her eyes.
"Of course you will. Well, Whatever. Ya saved your little boyfriend. Big deal. Let's go get some chalk from the supply closet." Susie tsked before walking ahead. Admittedly you were a little flustered about the comment that was made but you shook it off, your cheeks dusted pink.
You walked to Kris and helped him up. Kris gladly accepted your hand as you walked to the closet.
"And everything is blurry from there..." You explained, sitting on the blue tiled floor of the dark castle. "I don't even know where the two are now."

(Discontinued) ✯ The {NEW!} Yandere Anthology.✯
Horror✮The New and Improved Yandere Anthology! In celebration of hitting 950+ followers✮ Since I now have a Yandere Anime book, this is for Non Anime Yandere scenarios and HCs Can include characters from: ✮Books ✭Movies ✬Games ✯Comics Have fun!