"Will you marry me?"
A simple question, yet you felt your words catch in your throat. You loved the Incubus, you really did. It had been years since you two first met, since you learned about his past as the Ex-Demon prince.
But were you ready to finally hunker down and marry him?
He seemed to notice your hesitance, a frown across his face as he keeps a steady grasp on the small black box in his hand.
"You look sick, is something wrong?" James asks you, you sitting anxiously in the chair. Your chest felt tight with anxiety, you were happy, yet weren't sure if you were ready.
"It's a big decision, James, that's all. I'm not sure what to say-" You mutter, scanning the face of the demon in front of you. A disappointed expression appears on his face for a slight second as he stands up. The box is closed again as he places a hand on your head. Your hair is ruffled softly as the Incubi looks into your eyes.
"I know it is, but if you aren't ready, then I'll just wait a bit longer." The demon sighs softly, kissing your forehead before pulling away. "I love you more than anything, (Y/N)."
"I love you too, Raestro."
"Raestro." You call, a frown on your face. Said demon comes up to you, reacting to his name.
"Yes, dear?"
"Why do you keep doing this?" You ask, holding up your hand. Upon your finger was a beautiful ring, the same ring James had proposed to you with.
The Incubus goes silent, golden eyes seeming to hold something darker as he sighs.
"What do you mean?"
"You keep slipping the ring on when I'm sleeping, You've been doing this for the past few days. I already told you I'm not sure if I am ready for this kind of commitment-"
"We live under the same roof, (Y/N). I take care of the company for you. We even share our most private moments with each other. I just don't get it. Nothing would change except the ring on your finger!" James cries out, seeming to look desperate and angry. You flinch back from the golden demon.
"R-Raestro please calm dow-"
"(Y/N), Listen."
You shut your mouth, the golden demon coming up in front of you and holding your face with his claws.
"Ever since we overcame the events with my brothers, we have been bound to one another. I understand if you are unsure what to feel now, but I promise you, there's nothing to be scared of. I love you, so please, accept my proposal." His touch feels draining, his glasses glinting off the light from the room. Gold irises stare at you hungrily as he leans his face down towards yours.
"I just want to keep you safe, I want to spend eternity with you, so please, you don't need to be afraid."
You couldn't help but feel calmer in his touch, you knowing fully well that he was using his magic to calm you. A kiss was brought on your lips as you leaned in. Maybe it wasn't so bad, maybe you could be engaged to him. There truly wasn't anything to be afraid of, you shuttering against his touch.
Nothing but pleasure burned within you, the fear dissipating away as you gave yourself to Raestro yet again.
His golden gaze stared at you as he holds you close.
"I love you, (Y/N)"
A tired gasp came from you as you respond.
"I love you too...Raestro."

(Discontinued) ✯ The {NEW!} Yandere Anthology.✯
Horreur✮The New and Improved Yandere Anthology! In celebration of hitting 950+ followers✮ Since I now have a Yandere Anime book, this is for Non Anime Yandere scenarios and HCs Can include characters from: ✮Books ✭Movies ✬Games ✯Comics Have fun!