(So this is an Outlast AU kinda in this story. So it takes place after Outlast 1 and Miles is the new Walrider host. Reader becomes the protagonist and goes into the asylum and sees the aftermath of Outlast 1. Of course she does eventually find Miles, and oh boy does he miss her.)
"Thank you, Miles. But, I'm with someone already" You said as you tried to give the crimson roses back to the man. Miles only seemed to give a saddened expression.
"(Y/N)...Please, You're lying, I can tell." Miles spoke in a soft tone. That, was true. You weren't ready for a relationship and even though the reporter was handsome you knew you would just get in his way with work. You sighed, looking into the man's eyes.
"Yeah, You've caught me. I'm not with anyone... But, I just don't think I'm ready for a relationship yet. Also, you do well in your job and I think that I would get in the way. So please, I'm sorry but, I have to say no." You explained as you looked away, nervous.
"....Alright. That's fine. See ya later, (Y/N)." Miles said, disappointment evident in his voice. He gave you the Roses and murmured "keep them," before walking off down the street.
Although, you didn't see him later. That was the last time you saw him in what felt like months. And you would admit, you were getting worried for the man.
You remember that he talked about doing a report on the old 'Mount Massive Asylum' awhile ago. It would probably be good to check if he was okay.
You'll admit, it was a crazy idea to go into an abandoned asylum to look for a missing friend who is probably not even there now, but you had to try. You carefully gathered supplied you would need and put them in a bag.
Batteries, Phone, Knife, snacks, water, etc. You carefully took the bag to your car as you looked up directions on your GPS. You then backed out and turned onto the road, hitting the gas.
"I'm coming, Miles"
The Asylum was abandoned from what it looked like. You got out your car and started walking down to the doors. Pushing open the big doors, you were greeted with a metallic stench. You gasped as you noticed blood everywhere. At this point, this place was definitely not safe. You went to go back out the door, but and unseen force slammed it shut, making you fall to the ground.
You gasped and breathed heavily as you felt something brush past you before whisking away. What is going on? Only a few steps and this place was already giving bad signs. You looked around before something tumbled down to the ground by you.
"Huh?" You murmur as you walked to the object. It seemed to be a camcorder just like Miles' camera. It looked to have a cracked screen and some corrupted footage on it. You took a battery from your bag and popped it in the camera. It seemed to have night vision. Interesting. This would be useful.
Since you couldn't get out of the Asylum, you decided to descend deeper. You found abandoned hallways and bloodied rooms. There was old rickety beds, corpses and organs laying around, old terminals and nothing seemed to work.

(Discontinued) ✯ The {NEW!} Yandere Anthology.✯
Horror✮The New and Improved Yandere Anthology! In celebration of hitting 950+ followers✮ Since I now have a Yandere Anime book, this is for Non Anime Yandere scenarios and HCs Can include characters from: ✮Books ✭Movies ✬Games ✯Comics Have fun!