In the depths of hell...
Where the brown imps dwell
Where the undead rise...
To seize their prize
Where the lost souls fly...
To taunt your lives
Where the Cyberdemon's cry...
And the space marines die
Where the Barons of Hell dwell...
Will be your eternal hell.
Mars. A place where it is not safe to even be in your own space base. You were a space marine, and as a space marine you had to eliminate all Hell Hostiles from the base if any got in.
There was of course the smaller ones which were easier to eradicate, Like the Imps and Lost Souls. But there were also the bigger ones that required heavier weapons to get rid of, like Cyberdemons, Cacodemons, And Barons of Hell.
All of the demons were difficult in groups no matter what, And it was horrible if you had a wave of them attacking you. Waves of demons happened often. That was one of the reasons there was such low staff at the base.
Demons would kill off people then use their corpses as slaves to kill even more people. There was really only 5 more Space Marines including you on mars now. The demons have been getting stronger with new variations and have constantly swarmed the base.
You and the other marines always had to make sure to stick together and use the remaining supplies you had to keep your lives. It was difficult for drop ships to come and give supplies due to the demons managing to destroy it.
Demons adore the smell of blood. It tastes great to them. You and the other space marines kept this in mind. If you guys had to go to drastic measures, A sacrifice would have to be in order. You all promised that you would only do this if there was only around three of you left.
Around not even two months passed and you had already encountered the gruesome deaths of two of your fellow space marines. One was when you all were trying to barricade the door before a Baron of Hell grabbed them and pulled him through the door. Their screams were silenced by a sickening twist and crunch of cracked bones.
The second was when you all went on an expedition to clear the various demons from the base. A hell horde had come and there was many imps. A pack of six charged and ended up burning the poor marine to a crisp. You and the remaining space marines managed to drive the imps back and escaped to your base to put up barricades and hide deep in the metal walls.
It was getting time to use the sacrifice idea. None of you were feeling up to willingly feeding yourselves to the demon horde but you had to consider it. If it worked, then the remaining two marines would be safe and could call for back up because the demons would be occupied. If it didn' wouldn't end well. Snarling was outside like usual, the demons were getting impatient.
You thought it was time to prove your worth to the others and mankind. You would go out there, and present yourself to the blood thirsty demons. You looked solemnly at your fellow marines as you waved them goodbye, your (F/C) visor gleaming as you picked up a shotgun and walked out the barricade.
The red dust of mars swirled around the planets surface as you trudged you boots outside. There was brown blurs darting around, Imps. They for some reason paid you no mind. You grunt, it's like they were giving you a chance to turn back. But, not happening. You would fulfill your duty as a space marine and save your friends.
You sat on a rock, taking out a small dagger and hovering it over your arm. This would most likely cut off your oxygen supply, not like it mattered though. The knife slashed your skin, red crimson liquid seeping out from the deep wound. Your vision went blurry right before you heard the roar of something in the distance.
You woke up, Dull (E/C) eyes looking around the area you were in. A red cave with the smell of brimstone and fire smoke. Imps and undead roamed the cave as you got up and stood. You looked down at your arms. They were slightly translucent, a scar shown where you cut your arm for the sacrifice. It was complete. You could only hope that your friends were safe and getting help.
You wandered the cave, a lost soul. Flying skulls came screeching through, flames from their eyes. It was, interesting to see demons not trying to murder you. Now, you guessed that you were stuck wandering these barren caves as a mere soul. There was no heaven, for you anyway.
You couldn't help but flinch when you heard a snort come from behind you. You turned, only to be greeted by a tall 14 foot demon with red skin, black horns, and green eyes. A Baron of Hell, one of the highest demons in hell. It stepped closer, black claws out as hooves stomped on the brimstone floors of the caves.
You couldn't help but quiver and back up, You remember these demons could produce green hellfire which burned like one thousand suns. You screamed as the demon lunged at you, roaring. You gasped, the demon could still hold you, even as a spirit. It held you to its chest, growling lowly.
You couldn't move. the demon was of high order and you were powerless against it. It kept holding you tightly, seeming to not want to let go. The Baron then grunts, carrying you out of the cave and in a direction you remembered quite clearly.
The space base, it was taking you to the space base.
You squirmed, wanting to be let go. Why were you going back!? The reason you were a ghost was to get rid of demons from the base! You widened your dull eyes, The barricades were blown open on the base, steel burning with orange and green flames. Black smoke poured out of the building. The Baron let you go, but still gripped your smaller hand in it's large claws.
It walked you in the building, You looked around in utter fear and shock. There was claw marks everywhere things blown up and on fire, and your friends no where to be seen. You whined as the Baron pulled you closer to it again, kneeling and laying it's head on yours. It purred as you both watched the hellfire burn.

(Discontinued) ✯ The {NEW!} Yandere Anthology.✯
Terror✮The New and Improved Yandere Anthology! In celebration of hitting 950+ followers✮ Since I now have a Yandere Anime book, this is for Non Anime Yandere scenarios and HCs Can include characters from: ✮Books ✭Movies ✬Games ✯Comics Have fun!