Meeting them and the strong pull

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Bella POV

I'm racing through the streets of Volterra to save Edward that's right I said his name when he left me it didn't break me it just pissed me off I knew Alice would see me jump off the cliff she doesn't know I'm planing to ask aro if he can change me and I will join the guard I think he'll be interested in my special ability.

I see a clearing in the sea of red and I run for it but it was the square fountain I don't have time Edward is just about to step into the sun I race into the fountain and race across the knee deep water and run for him the last thought I had before I slammed into him is I'm going to have bruises and I slammed into him "heaven" the stupid fucker whispered.

"MOVE DICK HEAD!!" I screamed and he stumbled back in surprise into the shade right as two males came from the shadows smirking

"Aro would love to see you
again." the shortest one said.

"yes and bring the girl they are very curious," the one that reminds me of emmett exclaimed winking at me and i giggled.

"of course lets go Edward you to Alice" the small one said as Alice appeared from the darkness.

"no you can go to hell" Edward snarled.

"shut the fuck up Edward you are just making this worst for yourself," I said walking towards them and I stood between the strangers.

"what are your names?" I asked the strangers.

"I'm Demetri and that is Felix" Demetri said.

"well lets go fuckward and pixie bitch." and Felix and Demetri burst out laughing.

"yes let's" said a high pitched voice from the shadows a girl probably only 14 with blonde hair stepped out out of the shadows "jane" fuckhead shuddered.

"hi Jane," I said happily and skipped over to her and hugged her she was surprised but after a second she hugged me back.

"let's go" Jane said after we were done and we linked arms we both jumped into the hole not before long we were at throne room doors and I can feel this strange pull... my mates omg the doors and within a second three handsome men had me surrounded "mate" they exclaimed they walked towards me in one step and I was in a hug my body was alive with sparks and I instantly relaxed "NO" fuckward roared racing at us no one had time to react before I screamed, "shut the fuck up I never loved you,"

that made him stop right in his tracks, "Aro, Marcus, and Cauis can I join the Voltori?" I asked more calm.

"are you kidding your going to be queen," Cauis exclaimed.

"oh yeah my bad," I giggled.

"I will be back," Edward promised but right before he made his escape Jane had him on the floor in pain screaming and over the screaming.

Jane roared, "don't you dare threaten my sister." aro walked to Edward and grabbed his hand 10 seconds later aro snarled and ripped off Edward's head and I laughed they lit him on fire "what shall we do with pixie bitch??" I asked after we were done laughing.

"kill her she was Edward's mate and will come back for revenge if we let her go," Marcus exclaimed Caius nodded in agreement aro smirked and walked over to her it must have been true cause Alice was curled into a ball dry sobbing Aro took her head in his hands "goodbye pixie bitch" aro, Marcus, Cauis, and I said at one time and aro ripped her head off. ahh I'm going to love my life here.

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