⌊ two ⌉

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seungmin then found himself walking side by side with hyunjin on the sidewalk of their neighborhood

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seungmin then found himself walking side by side with hyunjin on the sidewalk of their neighborhood. still not believing the fact that the doctor hwang asked him for a walk when he always leave him before after knowing that he's just pretending to be sick and was just asking for some company.

and now hyunjin is giving him the company that he wanted. the doctor left his lab gown on seungmin's room and just went out with his slacks and longsleeves polo which seungmin finds so good in him. well no shit, their family doctor surely is hot.

"oh" seungmin reacted when he tripped on his own steps, good thing that hyunjin is quick to take a hold of his arm before he fall off. "t-thank you" the younger muttered softly, trying to hide how flustered he is.

"be careful. of all the times that you can space out, why now that you're walking? you'll really end up tripping over your own steps" hyunjin reminded him and chuckled afterwards. damn. those laughs.

as they continued walking, they reached the nearby park from seungmin's house. kids are playing around the park and on the playground at the center of the park. laughter and giggles reached seungmin and the doctor's ears as they sat on a nearby bench.

"it surely is nice to be a child" seungmin said softly, watching one kid run around while a puppy is chasing him. seungmin smiled at the view. "i never get to enjoy my childhood" he added, a bittersweet tone in his voice didn't go unnoticed by the doctor.

"you could always be a child. it's not about the age, it's about being young at heart" hyunjin told the younger,trying to lift up his mood, which he didn't fail to do as the latter looked up at him with a smile.

"maybe you're right" seungmin muttered. "i'd like to come back here someday on my day off and play tag, or maybe hide and seek and oh! i want to try climbing a tree, it looks fun and exciting" seungmin said excitedly.

hyunjin can't help but mirror seungmin's smile. the younger looks so innocent while saying all the outdoor activities that he want to do. there's this sparkle in his eyes, like a kid and the doctor found it adorable. seungmin sure missed a lot of things on his childhood but hyunjin is here to filled those missed moments.

"i'll be there with you if you finally do those things" hyunjin said as he ruffled the younger's hair. "that would be fun, right?" he hummed.

seungmin, even though is confused of hyunjin's sudden friendly demeanor still smiled at him and nodded excitedly.

"oh looked who we have here!" a guy shouted behind them, making them turned their head to looked who is it.

seungmin found an unfamiliar guy stood there with another unfamiliar guy, one of them had platinum blonde hair and the other one is brunette which seungmin is pretty sure that are not their natural hair color.

"jisung, yongbok!" hyunjin called them and mentioned them to go near. seungmin suddenly felt out of place for he don't know them.

"its felix! not yongbok. gosh!" the platinum blonde haired guy sassed as he flip his invisible long hair and rolled his eyes.

"whatever" hyunjin laughed before standing up and turning back to seungmin who also stood up. "seungmin, meet my friends, jisung and felix" he introduced the two unfamiliar boys.

seungmin smiled shyly and gave them a tiny bow, muttering a shy 'hello, i'm seungmin' which the two found adorable.

"g'day mate! i'm lee yongbok- oh wait nah. i'm felix, yeah lee felix, your man from australia" felix blobbered nonstop that seungmin can't cope up.

jisung, noticing that seungmin is weirded out because of felix smacked the latter to stopped his continuous blabbering that went about fortnite now.

"i'm sorry bout this guy here. he's just ya'know, he literally lives in the internet. i'm jisung by the way" jisung laughed nervously as seungmin gave him an awkward smile.

hyunjin slapped his forehead because of his friend's silliness. they're literally scaring seungmin, especially felix with his puns and twitter language. sometimes he wonders why he's friends with them.

"so, seungmin! wanna hang out sometimes? we live in this neighborhood" jisung brought up, trying to hype the situation.

"h-hang out?" seungmin stammered. it feels weird hearing those words from someone because practically, no one had asked him to hang out before.

"yes! hang out as in watching disneys and pigging out with foods or playing video games or building pillow fort or something" felix butted in in a high pitched voice that startled the three.

"gosh. you're so loud! how even can your boyfriend deal with your loud ass mouth?" jisung complained. felix stuck his tongue out at his friends and muttered, "binnie loves me, that's how"

hyunjin turned his attention away from his two friends to looked at seungmin who was watching the two argue about useless things. hyunjin swears that he can see the longing on the latter's face. longing for friends.

"seungmin, you're up to hang out with them? they don't bite, i can assure you that" he asked seungmin but then chuckled at his last statement.

seungmin bowed his head. "i don't know, i never hang out with anyone before" he said softly.

hnjin put his arm around seungmin's shoulder to give him some sort of comfort and assurance "don't worry, i'll also come. and they're nice, right guys?!"

felix and jisung stop arguing and answered an, "of course we are!" in unison. hyunjin looked down at seungmin and muttered a soft, "see?" with a low chuckle.

it made seungmin smiled and looked up at hyunjin. "alright. i wanna be friends with them, they seems pretty cool" he said in a soft voice. hyunjin nodded. "sure they are"

"doctor hwang?" seungmin called, hyunjin was taken back at first by how seungmin address him. " seungmin, you can just call me hyunjin"

"but isn't that disrespectful?"

"we're literally the same age"


hyunjin chuckled and just ruffled the latte's hair. "so, you sayin' something earlier?" he asked.

seungmin nodded. "yeah. i wanna say thank you" seungmin said shyly. "for taking me out on a walk and introducing me to your friends, it means...a lot" he then gave the taller his genuine smile, hyunjin mirrored his smile.

"anything for you, seungmin"

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