⌊ fourteen ⌉

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hyunjin munched on his food as he unconsciously stabbed the meat on his plate in anger

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hyunjin munched on his food as he unconsciously stabbed the meat on his plate in anger. the sight in front of him is not a sight to behold. if only lasers could come out of his eyes, then chan would be dead by now.

seungmin and chan sat comfortably in the seats in front of hyunjin as they chat softly, as if seungmin wasn't awkward at the beginning. well, chan is a person that you could get comfortable with easily, hyunjin won't even doubt that since the older was also the first one that approached and guided him on his first days on the hospital.

but seeing chan and seungmin in one frame, especially in front of his salad is something that he'll surely doubt. like, he doesn't know if chan's doing it on purpose or seungmin just really had taken a liking for the older.

oh hell, nah. says hyunjin's mind as he stopped chewing on his food.

"chan hyung, you really looks like a kangaroo" he heard seungmin giggled.

hyunjin gripped his fork tightly as hi gaze on the two in front of him became sharper. what? they're already that close that seungmin's calling him hyung now? hyunjin outraged on his mind.

"dude, stop torturing your foods" jisung chuckled as he pointed hyunjin's food, well that is if you could still call it food because it surely doesn't look like one on how salvage it looks.

seungmin removed his attention from chan and looked at hyunjin who scowled at jisung and felix who are now teasing hyunjin with things that seungmin doesn't understand.

"i thought some kind of bullet or laser will come shooting out of your eyes" felix cockled as he threw a green peace towards hyunjin who hissed when it hit his forehead.

"hey, don't throw foods felix" seungmin scolded his friend who raised his hands in surrender and went back to eating his foods, whispering and giggling softly with jisung. seungmin could only raised a brow at the two because they can't understand them before turning to hyunjin with a concern look.

"hyunjin, something wrong?" he asked oh so softly that hyunjin suddenly felt guilty of his actions earlier.

hyunjin sighed as he loosened his grip on his fork and showed a soft yet shy smile at the younger. "yeah, i'm fine" he assured but seungmin wasn't convinced that he reached his hand forward at touched hyunjin's forehead, thinking that the latter must be sick or something.

as if he got burned, hyunjin immediately backed away from seungmin's hand, making the latter even more confused of what was happening. "are you sure you're okay? you're red" seungmin pointed out.

"y-yeah, don't worry, i'm fine. j-just finish your foods" hyunjin stammered as he cursed mentally. why am i stuttering?

"okay?" seungmin told softly as he went to finish his foods, attention no longer on chan which made hyunjin sighed in relief. he don't even know what's wrong with him, it's not that he's jealous or something, but maybe he is.

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