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cold breeze met seungmin's skin at his balcony, he w staring at the kids that were playing at the park near their house

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cold breeze met seungmin's skin at his balcony, he w staring at the kids that were playing at the park near their house. golden rays of the sun are entering his room.

days like this are so boring, especially if you don't have any friends to hang out with. seungmin graduated and is now the one handling their family business, which is not the career that he wanted but his parents wanted.

he's not totally sad in his current career, but he'll be enjoying it more if he pursued a career in music which he really wanted since he was a kid.

"young master, doctor hwang has arrived" their maid said outside his room.

snapping out of his thoughts, seungmin run off towards his bed and covered himself with his thick blanket, clearing his throat before talking.

"l-let him in" he said in a sick voice and then faked a cough that actually hurts his throat. damn.

he heard a soft click from his bedroom door as it slowly open and the man that he's been waiting for slowly enter in his white lab gown and a brief case held on his left hand as he scroll through his phone on the other.

"hello, doctor hwang!" seungmin greeted a bit hyper, forgetting that he's pretending to be sick. he cleared his throat. "i-i mean, glad you came... i feel so sick" he then let out a nervous laugh.

doctor hwang, or simply hyunjin took a seat beside seungmin's king size bed and placed his brief case beside him as he looked at the younger who was obviously faking his sickness.

hyunjin could only shake his head at the younger's antics. this is not the first time that seungmin had called him and pretented to be sick. he lost count already.

"seungmin" hyunjin sighed. "what should i do with you? be thankful that i don't have other patient in my office" hyunjin massage his temples, as if he's having a headache. well isn't he? seungmin is being a headache right now.

seungmin pouted, sat up and leaned back on the headboard of the bed, his blanket piled on his lap as he crossed his arms. he knew that the doctor have looked pass his acting and had caught him red handed, again.

"now, tell me what is it this time that you make me go all the way here even if you're not sick, again?" hyunjin asked, leaning back on the chair and crossing his arms also. seungmin clicked his tongue before answering.

"fine! i was bored. i don't have anyone to talk with" seungmin whined. "like this mansion is huge yet i don't have anything to do aside from surfing the net, spending time on the balcony and sleeping" he continued whining.

hyunjin raised him a brow. "then why you gotta dragged me into your problem?" he asked in a low voice. "you should've call your friends or something"

seungmin scoffed. "you do know that i don't have any friends, right?" he said in a tiny voice. he don't know what's the feeling of having friends since he's been isolated from people so he can focus on his studies and their business. "it sucks, really" seungmin laughed bitterly.

he don't have any friends from high school nor college, and now that he's graduated and now handling their business, he got no one to be called as his friend. no one. that's why he's always calling their family doctor to give him some sort of company even though he knew that he's just causing a hard time for the doctor.

seungmin groaned and flopped back down to his bed, covering himself with his thick blanket before waving his hand to hyunjin, indicating that he can leave now.

"sorry for calling you for such a silly reason. you can leave now. i won't call you again when i'm not really sick" seungmin told the older and retracted his hand back. he decides that he'll just sleep the afternoon away.

the doctor pressed his lips into thin line. he have this feeling that he shouldn't leave the younger alone and give him some company instead. in all the times that seungmin had called him for no reason, the younger's reason is always the same. because he don't have friends and someone to accompany him. and hyunjin felt bad that he always leave seungmin after hearing his reason.

but right now, he don't feel like leaving after hearing seungmin's reason for he don't know how many times now. he knows the feeling of having no friends because he's experienced it before he met his current friends. he knows how lonely it feels.

"why are you not leaving yet?" seungmin asked in shocked when he found the doctor still seated on the chair beside his bed when he uncovered his face with his blanket. the latter didn't answer his question but stare at him as if he's hesitating on what he should say. "why won't you answer?"

finally sorted his thoughts, hyunjin gave the younger a soft smile which shocked the latter. in all the times that he has called hyunjin, this is the first time that he smiled to him. oh god, it's a miracle. seungmin thought.

"w-why are you smi-"

"wanna take a walk outside?" hyunjin asked, still with his soft smile.

what? is my doctor literally asking me for a walk? am i dreaming?

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