⌊ ten ⌉

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hyunjin found himself driving down the road towards his place with seungmin at the passenger seat and the box of cake gently placed on his lap

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hyunjin found himself driving down the road towards his place with seungmin at the passenger seat and the box of cake gently placed on his lap. hyunjin smiled before looking back at the street, he don't want them to crash just because he's starting at the latter.

meanwhile, seungmin was lost in his thoughts as he looked outside the window of the car. he don't want to snapped at his parents like that but his anger got the best of him. he's feeling guilty yet he felt relieved that he finally blurted out what he's feeling towards his parents for all these years that they're always away. he'll talk to them, not now but one day.

he wonders what will be changbin's reaction when he finds out that seungmin and hyunjin weren't in his office anymore, he only remembers now that he told him to bring plates and utensils to his office. he'll just text or call him later to explain to him and apologize too.

"seungmin, can we go to the hospital first? i'll just get my stuffs" hyunjin asked, snapping the latter out of his thoughts.

seungmin nodded. "yeah, sure. go ahead" he answered softly.

hyunjin sensed that the younger is still not in the mood to talk so he just nodded and continued driving, going to the hospital.

"wanna come inside?" hyunjin asked seungmin as he finished parking his car. "you'll meet my other friend inside, just place the box at your seat till we get back" he added with a soft smile.

seungmin thought for a while before nodding, realizing that he shouldn't let himself be affected so much by his parents. he shouldn't let himself be captive with negative thoughts. he just really hope that his parents will understand that he can't talk to them yet. deep inside him, he truly misses his parents. seungmin would be lying if he tells that he don't need his parents, because in all honesty, he can't live without them, they maybe busy and that angers him, but his love for them can't be consume by that anger.

"good afternoon, doctor hwang"

seungmin was walking, following hyunjin behind as he watched every nurses and employees bow down to hyunjin and greet him a good afternoon. hyunjin would only gave them a smile as he walk. he's a high rank doctor, after all so seungmin wasn't unfaze by all the greetings and recognition that the doctor were receiving, but he can't help himself but be amazed at how hyunjin is well respected, he must be a really good doctor and seungmin can prove that.

while walking towards the elevator, the both of them stopped at their tracks when a guy approached hyunjin, which seungmin assumed was another doctor based on the white lab coat that he's wearing.

"hyunjin! man, why are you so lucky? you don't have that much appointment today while i'm here who just finished my last appointment" a blonde doctor whined at hyunjin who chuckled at him.

"chan hyung, maybe this is not really your lucky day" hyunjin teased, which earned him a smacked on the head from the doctor which seungmin finally knew the name, chan.

while they're talking, chan haven't notice him yet and seungmin just stood still behind hyunjin, watching the scene in front of him. his social skills are working as usual at times like this so he didn't utter a thing and just bowed awkwardly when the blonde finally noticed him.

"oh! who could this person be?" chan uttered and looked at hyunjin, raising his eye brows playfully and with a knowing smile plastered on his lips.

hyunjin blushed but still managed to hide it and rolled at his eyes at the older doctor. "shut up, hyung. he's seungmin, my friend" he introduced the younger.

"hello! i'm bang chan, but you can call me chan. i'm hyunjin's doctor friend, there's also jeongin and he's a nurse but unfortunately he took a leave today for a family reunion. nice meeting you! since you're hyunjin's friend then let's be friendsl as well" chan blabbered without a post making seungmin laughed awkwardly.

"you're making him feel awkward, hyung" hyunjin frowned but seungmin shake his head and waved his hands in front.

"no no! h-he just talks fast" he explained with a nervous laughed before looking back at chan. "n-nice meeting you too, chan hyung. i'm seungmin" he introduced himself properly.

chan smiled and ruffled seungmin's hair. "you're so cute! you remind me of a puppy" he cooed at the younger who blushed at what he said and mumbled a soft thank you as they both laughed, forgetting about hyunjin who looks at them with a frown in his face.

"okay okay that's enough" he interrupted and take a hold of seungmin's hand before pulling him close to him, suddenly feeling possessive over the younger before he looked at chan with a sour expression.

seungmin was oblivious of what was happening but he knew that something was up with hyunjin so he just kept his mouth shut as he wait for what will happen while chan has a mischievous smile on his lips as he looks at hyunjin with a meaningful smile, obviously knowing what's up with hyunjin.

the younger doctor scoffed as he rolled his eyes at the older doctor as he irritably told him to quit playing with him, making chan more amused but shrugged nonetheless and raised his hands in defeat but the same mischievous smile is still on his lips.

"alright, see you around on monday" chan chuckled and smiled at seungmin who gladly returned it. "nice meeting you again, seungmin. i gotta go before a dongsaeng slaughter me alive" chan then looked at hyunjin who looks more irritated now.

the oldest waved at them before turning back and walking away, probably back to his own office, seungmin still waved at him despite his back turned to them but stopped when he felt a glare directing to him, which sent a shiver to his spine.

he nervously looked at hyunjin, who was giving him sharp glares. seungmin gulped, having no idea why hyunjin was like that.

"w-why are you looking at me like that?" he managed to asked, which took him a lot of courage to do so because hyunjin looks so intimidating right now.

and with that question, hyunjin seems to snapped out of it and his soft expression turned back but the same intense and intimidating gaze was still on his eyes before he shrugged and gave his answer to the younger who only got more confused with it.

"when you found something rare and unique, something alone and has no duplicate you'll make sure that no one could snatch that something from you"

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