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hyunjin swear that it was the most embarrassing moment of his life

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hyunjin swear that it was the most embarrassing moment of his life. for fuck's sake, he almost kiss seungmin and his parents saw it. damn.

seungmin calmed down and composed himself as he took a quick glance to hyunjin before turning back to his parents. its as if nothing happened earlier. he cleared his throat before talking.

"mom, dad" seungmin greeted in a polite manner before bowing. "its nice seeing both of you again" he added in a monotone voice and a poker face. he didn't even smile to his parents.

hyunjin immediately bowed to the elders and said a polite, "good afternoon, mr and mrs kim" before looking back at seungmin.

hyunjin noticed seungmin's sudden changed in demeanor towards his parents. earlier he was so bubbly but now in front of his parents he's suddenly all serious and polite.

mrs kim cleared his throat as she also composed herself, looking at her husband then to hyunjin and to seungmin as if questioning what they were doing when they entered. "seungmin, doctor hwang, we didn't know that you two are that...close" she said with confusion.

hyunjin gulped at the mention of his name. its true though, seungmin and him were not really that close when he became their family doctor and seungmin's parents knew that so its understandable that they'll be shock when they see them as close as what they saw when they entered.

"we became friends just recently" seungmin shrugged as he answered in few words, doesn't have the energy to face his parents nor talk to them.

"are you two really just friends?" seungmin's father interrupted with a hint of mischief in his tone. "i thought it's something else when we saw you earlier" he said with a giggle.

seungmin scoffed, "we're just friends" he said firmly "you and mom didn't know it because you guys are always busy" he added with a hint of bitterness in his voice.

hyunjin glanced at the latter as he noticed. there he got the idea that seungmin's not in a good term with his parents, holding a grudge towards them because they're always away for business trips. hyunjin was saddened at the thought as he remembers how seungmin always say before that he don't have someone to give him company, even his parents.

seungmin's parents seems taken back by the way their son said those words. seungmin was now glaring at them while clenching his fists.

"seungmin, we're so sorry if me and your dad are always not here" his mother apologized as she stepped forward to go to her son but seungmin stepped backwards.

"don't come near me!" he exclaimed with gritted teeth not minding what his mother said. "you guys always say sorry but you still go on those business trips and leave me!" he yelled.

his father walked towards his mother and looked at his son with slight anger. "kim seungmin, that's not the way how you should talk to your mother!" he exclaimed to his son.

"and how should i talk to you and her then? you guys are the reason why i am like this, anyways. i always pretend before that i'm okay without my parents with me because i know that you're doing this for me" seungmin muttered as he clenched his fists . "but i've had enough! i can't even count anymore how many times you told me how you two are sorry for always leaving but still repeat it all over again!"

hyunjin rushed towards seungmin's seungmin and held his clenched fist, a way of telling him that he needs to calm down, and it seems to work because the latter's expressions calmed down as he looked at hyunjin. "calm down, seungmin. don't let your anger get into your emotions" the doctor reminded the younger with a gentle voice.

seungmin took a deep sigh, listening to hyunjin's words as he did so. his parents were watching them, noticing how seungmin automatically calmed down just because of hyunjin, and they're internally thankful for the doctor for doing so.

"seungmin, honey. we know that its been hard for you without us, but please let us explain" mrs kim pleaded as he held onto her husband. "talk to us"

"we're your parents and you're our son, we should settle things out. we didn't know that you're feeling like this" seungmin's father talked as he looks at his son softly.

seungmin laughed bitterly and looked at met his father's eyes with his own dull eyes before saying his words. "how would you know that i'm feeling this when all you do is leave me? and when in times that i wanted to talk to the both of you, you always say that you both are busy, so tell me, how would you know?"

"we're so sorry, we promise-"

"fuck all your promises! they're always broken!" seungmin snapped, cutting his mother's words as he held hyunjin's hand.

hyunjin looked at seungmin with worried eyes. this situation seems to have a huge effect to seungmin and he can see how furious seungmin is towards his parents.

"i'm leaving" seungmin declared as he pulled his hand away from hyunjin and walked to get the cake from the coffee table before he went back to hyunjin and held his hand again.

hyunjin was confused at what seungmin is doing but he could only give a sympathetic look to his parents as the latter dragged him out of the office without saying a word.

seungmin's parents was calling him but he ignored them and didn't even look back to them as he closed the door, hyunjin following him behind because he's still not letting go of his hands, not that hyunjin is complaining though.

hyunjin feels bad for seungmin's parents, he can see earlier how sorry they were towards their son and how they really want to make it up for him but seungmin is consumed with his anger towards his parents to just forgive them right away. he can't blame him though, seungmin seems really hurt by what his parents did.

"where are we going, seungmin?" the doctor asked as they reached the parking area where his car was parked.

seungmin finally let go of his hands, and he low-key miss the feeling of seungmin's hand on his own but he set it aside and just waited for seungmin to talk. the latter looked at him with a pleasant eyes.

"can i stay at your place? i don't wanna go home, my parents would be there and will probably force me to talk to them but i don't wanna talk to them, not now" seungmin explained.

"are you sure? your parents will look for you" hyunjin said worriedly. he don't mind at all of seungmin staying at his place, but he's worried about the latter's parents. seungmin nodded.

"alright. but promise me that you'll talk to them soon" hyunjin told the younger who was hesitant but nodded nonetheless and muttered a soft, "i promise"

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