The Sting

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Abhaya silently cleaned the parlor. She sighed as she looked outside, "Another day goes by and I'm still alone." Her heart sank at the thought. Tomorrow was the end of the month, which means she only had two months left. She finished cleaning for the day then took off her work clothes and got into something more comfortable. Undertaker had left to go see the Earl Phantomhive, leaving her alone with the shop. At least he trusted her not to do anything even with the awkwardness and embarrassment from a few days ago. Everything seemed back to normal...Almost back to normal. Nothing changed in her and Undertakers relationship as friends but his now girlfriend started coming over more often. At first Abhaya couldn't stand being around her because of her feelings but soon she warm up and learned that Kirari, his girlfriend, wasn't so bad after all. She was always so nice and loved to help with the cleaning when she could. But it still didn't change Abhaya's broken heart after being rejected. She didn't know why she hurt so much. She's been rejected too many times to even remember or attempt to count but this just had an extra sting to it. Like a burning pain in her heart that slowly burned her heart to a crisp.

She sighed and went to the living area Undertaker had in the back of his parlor and went to her room. She'd been there so long that the room was redecorated to her style of purples and blues and held most of her belongings. She decided she didn't want to stay up till her normal time tonight and went to bed early hoping Undertaker wouldn't mind.

Thankfully he didn't. The morning was normal. She got up, took a shower, got dressed, then went to the kitchen for breakfast. It was just Undertaker this morning as he seemed a bit exhausted in a way but didn't show it as he smiled that goofy, somewhat creepy, smile of his when he looked at her. She smiled back knowing he wanted her to. "Thank you for taking care of the shop, again."

"No problem Sir." She responded with a brighter smile, as he sets two plates of pancakes on the table for them.

"I really should find something more to repay you with other than a simple thank you." Undertaker commented as she took her normal seat at the table and grabbed her fork.

"No need. I'm happy to help whenever I can." Undertaker smiled and sat down next to her. It was silent for a while before she decided to see what happened last night, since he usually told her anyway, "How did the visit with the Phantomhive's go?"

He took a deep breath, "Right sorry, I'm a bit tired."

"It's alright, I understand." She replied as she took another bite of her breakfast.

"It went well at the beginning until they mentioned having you go over to be a servant for them instead. They said it was a better situation for you anyway." Anger was laced in his voice as he spoke. Abhaya was surprised at this. 'Why is he being so protective of me?' She thought as he continued, "I refused, Sebastian and I got into a heated argument, thankfully it was resolved quickly by Young Earl Phantomhive and he completely understood my situation. No one was hurt in the debacle."

"T-That's good." She said stuttering slightly. Her voice was shaking and sounded somewhat confused,

He noticed the difference in her voice and her stuttering, "Are you ok? Did I say something wrong?"

"Oh. No! I just got a bit confused on why you're so protective over me..." She admitted as his eyes widened a bit. She could tell, even when his bangs are over his eyes like now.

"Abhaya Deary. I care for you, even if I don't have feelings for you that involves anything more than friends, you're still important in my life. I would hate to lose you." He smiled softly. Abhaya felt a bit better at his words but it still stung slightly.

She decided to change the subject, "Is it alright if I see a friend this morning? If not I have no problems staying." She wanted to make that clear so that the mortician didn't think that She was demanding it.

Undertaker let out a low chuckle, "I have no problems with that Deary~. Do as you please." She smiled at him and got up, placing her dirty dishes in the sink.

She headed to the front door before yelling back at Undertaker, "I'll be back at Dinner."

"Alright. Have fun Deary~" He responded as she left the shop closing the door behind her.

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