The Gunman

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Abhaya woke up early like Kirari this morning. Kirari was in the kitchen making breakfast as Abhaya ran into the kitchen, "Kirari, please tell me more about the man that's coming over!" She begged but Kirari just smiled.

"But that would ruin the surprise." Kirari giggled and she put some bacon in a hot skillet. Abhaya pouted crossing her arms.

Abhaya stayed silent for a minute before going back to begging, "Please, just one thing!!"

Kirari shook her head giggling, before looking at her with a smirk. Her voice had an odd tone of seduction in it, "He has beautiful eyes. Don't get lost in them." With that she went back to cooking. Abhaya's cheeks warmed up to an obvious blush, 'Why did she say it like that? Is his eyes that beautiful? Oh I'm curious and I can't get away from it...' She left the kitchen after hearing a knock on the door.

She ran over and answered the door. It was Diana. Abhaya smiled, letting her in. Diana smiled and immediately started asking questions, "Is he here yet? Have you seen him? What's he like? Is he handsome?"

"Diana calm down! Too many questions at once." Abhaya sighed, "He isn't here yet..."

"I wouldn't say that." Kirari said with a small giggle.

Abhaya's eyes widened, "Has he been here this whole time!?" She began panicking.

Kirari laughed at her reaction, "Yes, but he's not inside Darling."

Diana's eyebrows lowered, "So he's the guy on the roof..."

Abhaya looked at Diana, "He's on the roof?!"

Kirari laughed again, "I probably should've mentioned that he's just a tad bit weird." She giggled.

Abhaya took a deep breath trying to calm herself down, "How do I get to the roof?"

"You jump, or climb, whatever you decide to choose." Kirari grinned slightly seeing Abhaya beginning to panic again.

Diana blinked, "There's no staircase to the roof?"

"Nope. Sorry." Kirari shrugged her shoulders looking at Diana.

Diana's face twisted with confusion, "Then how the hell did he get to the roof?!"

Kirari chuckled, "Why don't you ask him. I mean, he's right above us."

Abhaya calmed down again, "I'll go talk to him. I mean, I'm the reason he's here." Abhaya took a deep breath and headed outside. He looked at the roof and what do you know, there's someone sitting there. She quickly jumped onto the roof. Being half demon has its benefits. She cautiously walked over and sat next to him. The sun was just coming up over the horizon and the man was staring into the beautiful array of colors.

Abhaya admired his clothes, seeing the combination of black and red. The man wore a leather outfit stained black with a bunch of belts, pretty much everywhere. His boots were a gold color and came to a sharp point at the end. He's had his left arm draped over his left knee, that was bent slightly, showing his gold gauntlet going up to his elbow. He had a gun in a gun holder on his right hip. He had beautiful ebony hair that went down to about the middle of his back. The most distinct feature was his red cape that covered some of his face and most of his chest and arms with the cape sewn in the back. The tips of the cape was torn and ragged. Suddenly a very deep, raspy voice broke her out of her trance, "It's quiet rude to stare."

Abhaya jumped, "I-I'm so sorry sir. I had no intentions of being rude." She cursed under her breath, 'Way to go Abhaya. You just met the guy and you're already acting like a cluts' She looked up at the horizon. She marveled at the site, "Its beautiful." For some reason sitting next to him gave her an alarm that a demon was nearby but she couldn't see any around so she dismissed the alarm.

"Indeed." The man agreed. His voice sent shivers down Abhaya's spine.

"I'm Abh-"

"Abhaya." the man interrupted.

Abhaya's heart began to beat out of her chest. 'He knows my name...Don't just sit there, say something Abhaya' Abhaya swallowed, "Did Kirari tell you?"

He shook his head.

Abhaya's heart stopped for a moment, 'Wait a minute. Kirari didn't tell him my name...How does he know!?" Abhaya's voice was shaky and she had began to stutter, "O-Oh...u-uh"

Suddenly there was a low chuckle from him causing Abhaya to jump, "You seem nervous." He commented moving his left hand off his knee and to his side.

Abhaya froze for a moment. This guy knew everything, and it was admittedly scary in a way. She bit her lip before speaking up, "It's probably because I am." She looked at the man to find his smiling slightly but not saying anything. She blushed a bit before remembering what Kirari had said. 'He has beautiful eyes. Don't get lost in them.' Abhaya attempted to looked at his eyes just to find out he closed them. She saw a red bandana wrapped around his forehead but didn't focus on that as she leaned back to her normal spot.

Not long after this the man stood up, "My apologies but I must be going for a couple of hours." He slowly walked up to the edge of the roof.

Abhaya quick stood up, "W-Wait, I didn't g-get your name..." She spoke meekly.

The man finally faced her. Abhaya's mind raced with different eye colors that would suit him as he turn. She thought that he would have green or blue eyes but was she wrong. He looked at her, his crimson eyes sparkling as she gasped silently, "Vincent, Vincent Valentine." With that he jumped off the roof and ran off into the distance leaving Abhaya alone on the roof.

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