The Lunch Talk

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Abhaya headed to a Cafe where she was going to meet her best friend for a small talk about what was going on. She walked in and immediately saw her best friend, known as Diana. She was fully demon while Abhaya was a mix of demon and human, which caused more problems than expected. Diana usually came with her husband, Elijah, but she didn't bring him along since I told her it was urgent. Diana raised her eyebrow at my clothing, "Darling what are you wearing?" She looked disgusted which was usual for her. I had a very ragged jacket on with a blue shirt under it and some ripped up jeans.

Abhaya sat down, "At least I don't look like a disney princess." She remarked and motioned to Diana's fancy dress she was wearing. Disney Princesses literally just came out but it was known by everyone. Technology was slowly coming into the world. Diana sent a small glare at her as she spoke. Diana knew it was true just didn't want to admit it.

 "Fine, Fine, Point taken." Diana sighed, "Anyway what would you like to talk about?"

"I need help. I am running out of time and Undertaker couldn't accept my feelings for him since..." Abhaya swallowed, "...He's with another."

Diana's eyes widened slightly, "Oh No. This is not good. You spend almost all your time trying to earn his love...I'm sorry Dear." She had sympathy and worry in her voice.

Abhaya's eyes began to water. She tried blinking the tears away but it wasn't really working, "I-I don't know what to d-do..."

Diana hated seeing her cry more than anything, "I would love to help but all the friends I know are demons and you can't marry a demon..." Diana looked down deep in thought at the situation, "How about you try asking...Undertaker's girlfriend?"

Abhaya's eyes widened slightly, "Are you insane?! I can't just asked someone I barely know if they had anyone I could marry before two months are over!" She was quite loud when saying this which caught the attention of some other people in the cafe.

Diana hushed her before whispering, "It's worth a try, right? You really have no other option at this point." Abhaya looked down knowing it was true. She had a bung of guy friends but, like Diana, they were all demons and she, unfortunately, can't marry a demon. Finally Diana spoke up again, "I'll make you a deal. If you ask her and she doesn't know anyone I'll help you find someone, but if she does know someone, I'll help you with making it a permit relationship. Deal?" Diana held her hand out for a hand shake.

Abhaya was surprised with this offer since Diana rarely got into her personal life unless needed but Abhaya quickly grabbed her hand tightly and shook it, "Deal!" she smiled wide now knowing that she wasn't going to be alone through all of this.

Abhaya hung out with Diana for the rest of the day, buying clothes, talking about the plan for the future. Some of it was just slightly embarrassing to talk about. Abhaya ran back to shop around dinner time and found Kirari cleaning the shop for her. Abhaya set her stuff down on the counter before nervously walking over to her, doing her part of her and Diana's deal. Kirari's hair was a beautiful brown that faded to green. She held the beautiful reaper eyes and loving smile everyone adored, "Hey, uh Kirari?"Abhaya bit her lip as Kirari set her rag down and looked at her. Abhaya continued, "I was wondering if I could talk to you about something personal..."

Kirari smiled, "Sure, do you want to go to your room to walk or somewhere else."

Abhaya looked surprised and forgot to breathe for a moment after she spoke. Abhaya put on her best smile and grabbed her bag of clothing, "Let's head to my room." Kirari took off her apron she had on and followed Abhaya to her room. Abhaya was shaking the whole way there. She had no clue why she was so nervous. Kirari was nice. She'd understand...Right? Abhaya didn't know anymore. She didn't know if this was a good idea or if she should just back down last second and accept her fate. Before she knew it they were in her room. Abhaya set her bag down and took off her jacket before sitting on the bed. She motioned Kirari to sit next to her so that Kirari didn't have to stand.

Kirari sat onto the bed when Abhaya wanted her to then spoke in a soft voice, " What would you like to talk about?"

"I-It's..." Abhaya stalled for a moment, getting a confused like from Kirari, "It's a long story."

"I'm a good listener. Promise."

Abhaya smiled at this comment, 'Here goes nothing' She thought before starting the story, "I am a hybrid of human and demon and my parents had to set a deadline for me. This deadline would cause me to die if I didn't find a human or reaper that truly loves me and would be willing to marry me before the deadline." Abhaya looked down, "When I thought I found that person in my life I realized he was with another. Now I only have two months to find someone before the deadline..."

Kirari's eyes were widened and she a had a sorry look in her eyes, "I didn't realize that this was happening."

"Don't worry, Undertaker doesn't know either.'

Kirari took a deep breath, "How can I help?"

Abhaya smiled, "I was wondering if you knew anyone that I can, at least try to earn the heart of."

"Hm..." Kirari looked down in deep thought. Abhaya started to give up hope after a minute of silence between the two.

"You know, It's ok if you don't know anyo-"

Abhaya was interrupted by Kirari halfway through her sentence, "I got it! I know someone!"

"Really!?" Abhaya was filled with excitement. Maybe she'll have a chance after all. 

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