the treehouse

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         The next morning I felt sharp pains in my sides. I almost shrieked at the pain. I got up and ran into the bathroom and showered. I put on a white adidas shirt and black shorts and vans. My mom was awake and ready and I ran out to the car. She walked in and we drove to the hospital. Right away the secretary said,
       "Room 214," and I ran into the room. I saw Benny and I ran in and hugged him. He was still in his bed but he sat up and hugged me still. His mom walked out and he leaned back and we kissed each other. I was practically on top of him while he put his hands on my neck. I smiled and pulled away slowly, and I laid back down next to him.
       "Show me the bruises," I sighed and got up, and lifted my shirt. He looked at the new hand prints and his face automatically got mad. I walked over and hugged him again. "It happened again?" He asked me. Tears started rolling down my cheeks. He sat up and he pulled me next to him. I put my head on his chest and kept crying quietly. He rubbed my back and he put his hand on my cheek and wiped my tears. I wanted to stay there forever. I stopped crying and he lifted my shirt again and looked at the bruises. He looked down at me and shook his head slightly.
        "I'm leaving today," he said. I sat up and pushed down my shirt.
        "Did the doctor say you can?" I asked. He didn't respond. I bent down and kissed him. He kissed me back and I pulled away.
        "Baby, I'll be fine," I said, grabbing his hand. I started walking away but Benny wouldn't let go. I turned to him and walked back over. I smiled at him and kissed his cheek. I got back up and started walking away. I walked out of the room and walked into my moms car. She was already waiting for me.
       "When will Benny be out of the hospital?" I asked.
        "Tomorrow," My mom replied. I nodded and she started driving.
         We got to our house at around 2 pm and I went to my room and just laid on my bed. My sides were killing me and I just wanted to be with him. My door opened and I sprung up. Benny? Nope. Just Connor. I laid back down on my bed and stared at the ceiling.
      "Benny is here," Connor said. I jumped up and ran out of the door and saw Benny standing there. I ran over by him but I fell right through him. I looked up and saw Connor had turned into Phillips, and I screamed.
        I shot my head up. Thank god it was only a nightmare. I checked the time, I had been asleep for 5 hours already, it was 7 o'clock. I walked downstairs and got a bowl of cereal and forced it down my throat. I gagged on the food and then I ran into the bathroom and threw it up. I walked back up to my room and sat on my bed. I imagined Benny laying next to me like in the hospital room. My phone rang and Benny's name flashed across the screen.
        "Hey, beautiful," Benny said. "I'll be home tomorrow. We can watch movies and cuddle all day," he said. I smiled and said,
         "I would like that,"
         "Then it's settled. I'll see you tomorrow beautiful,"
          "Bye, Benny," I said, hanging up. I smiled to myself and went to sleep.
           The next morning I was excited, I had to look amazing. I ran into the bathroom and showered, and then brushed my teeth and hair. Benny said he likes my hair way, so I left it down. I walked back into my room and put on a white striped tank top and when I lifted my shirt to change I saw the bruises. They were worse than the day before. I winced and changed, and out on black shorts and a pair of white converse. It was 8:30 am, and I couldn't be more excited for Benny to come home. I ran outside and sat on the porch, watching to see if anyone would come. My eyes slowly shut, and I fell asleep.
         "Addison," I heard someone say. I looked up and I saw Benny standing there, smiling.
         "Benny!" I yelled. I jumped up and hugged him. I let go and he kissed me. I pulled away and smiled. He was wearing his normal clothes and it looked like nothing happened to him. He grabbed my hand and I intertwined my fingers with his. We started walking to his house when Connor opened the door. I didn't even look at Connor. I was still mad at him and he acted like nothing even happened.
        "Hey, Benny man! I'm so relieved you're okay. I bet Addy is too," he said. I let go of Benny's hand and started walking to his house. Benny and Connor talked for a few more minutes until Benny ran over and we walked inside.
       "My mom is shopping till like 3 pm, so we have the house to ourselves till then," he said, smirking. I nodded and walked over to the couch.
       "You- you uh, wanna make brownies?" He asked me.
       "Sure," I walked over to him and he grabbed the box of brownie mix and the ingredients we needed. I started pouring the brownie mix into a bowl and my shirt lifted up a little bit, revealing the now very badly bruised marks. Benny put down the ingredients and walked over, putting his hand on the bruise. It hurt, but I was used to it by now. He sighed and turned back to the brownies. We mixed all the ingredients and put the brownies in the oven. I sat back down on the couch and Benny was looking through movies.
        "What do you wanna watch?" He asked me. I shrugged.
         "Anything is fine," I said smiling.
         "What about Rookie of the Year?"
          "Sure." Benny put the DVD in and came back and sat next to me on the couch. He put his arm around me and I put my head on his shoulder. I looked up at him and he kissed me. I smiled and turned back to the tv. BEEP! The brownies were done. I started to get up but Benny pulled my arm down.
         "I'll do it," he said smiling. He took the brownies out of the oven and then put them in the fridge. He walked back over and we got comfortable again, and started watching the movie.
          A while into the movie Benny and I were practically making out. My hands were in his hair and his were on my neck. We didn't want to have sex, since I was only 14 and he was 15, but making out was the next best thing, especially for him. I knew I was his first girlfriend, and I want to be his best. We made out for about 5 minutes, you could call it one of the best 5 minutes of my life; and we would've longer, if the entire sandlot team didn't come in. Squints walked in first and screamed when he saw us. I jumped up and Benny did too.
         "Ooh, were you two having a make out session?" Bertram asked.
          "No, we were- just watching the movie, see?" He pointed to the tv screen that was on the menu.
          "Yeah-Yeah you were!" Yeah-Yeah yelled. I started walking out of the house when Benny grabbed my arm and pulled me back over.
            "Okay, so maybe we were kissing,"
             "Making out," DeNunez corrected him.
             "Whatever. So yes, we were kissing, but she's my girlfriend and I can kiss her if I want. You guys will know once you meet the perfect girl, even though no one will ever be better than Addison," Benny said. I smiled and I pressed my lips to his, and he kissed me back.
          "Ew!!" Tommy screamed. They all covered their eyes and we laughed.
           "You can look now," Benny said laughing.
            "We wanted to know if you guys wanted to come to Timmy and Tommy's treehouse later," Ham asked.
         "Sure," I said smiling. Benny pulled me closer to him into a tight hug. The boys all walked out and we said our goodbyes, and then Benny and I walked into the kitchen and grabbed the brownies out. He cut two pieces and I grabbed one and so did he. I ate it and he ate his, then I grabbed a glass of water and drank it. I laughed and so did he. We both got a piece of mint gum and we ran into Benny's room. I jumped on his bed and he sat next to me and we laid down, I had my head on his chest and he was playing with my hair.
         "Did I ever tell you how beautiful you are?" He asked me. I giggled.
         "Stop lying to me," I said with a small smile.
          "I'm not! I swear," he said.
           "Benny? Can I- can I tell you something?" I said sitting up.
            "Anything, baby," he said kissing my cheek. I was prepared to cry, and if I did I would look like a baby.
           "I used to have a different boyfriend in New York named Ryan..." I started saying. "He would- he would do what Phillips did to me but worse," I showed him some scars I had from him and I started crying. "He would tell me I'm nothing, and he would use me to get popular. He told me he loved me but he would abuse me, I would have bruises on my arms and legs and waist everyday, always new ones. Connor found out one day and beat the shit out of him, which is another reason we had to move," I said. I wiped my tears and started walking out the door. He ran over and grabbed my arm. "I'm sorry, you don't deserve someone as beat as me, it will probably be better if I let Phillips do more to me," I said sobbing now. "You probably hate me, don't you?" I said. Ryan would tell me everyone hated me and I only had him. It must have stuck to me, and that's why I'm so damaged.
         "Addison, I love you," Benny said quietly. "I love you more than anyone and anything else. I know we have only been dating for a few days, but I love you so fucking much," he said. He wrapped me in a hug and he kissed my forehead. "I won't ever do what Ryan or Phillips did to you, and I won't let it happen, I promise," I hugged him again and I kissed him. I went over to the garbage in his room and spit out the gum, he did the same. I walked over to him and put my hands on his neck and we started making out again, go figure. Benny was nothing like Ryan, and I know he wouldn't hurt me.
         After about 10 minutes, we laid back down on his bed.
        "Benny, why didn't you like anyone before me? There are so many other prettier girls that would love to date you, but me? I'm just a girl you met at the sandlot," I said. He shook his head.
        "Because you're the most amazing girl I know, and I love you, Addison," he said.
         "I- I love you too," I said. I kissed his jawline and he smiled. We took a short nap, and it was about 6 pm. Surprisingly, Benny was awake first. He kissed my cheek and I smiled.
         "We have to get ready to go to Timmy and Tommy's," Benny said. I groaned and Benny picked me up. I laughed and he kissed my forehead. He put me down and he grabbed some clothes and put them in a baseball bag. Benny's mom was home, so we told her we're going over to Timmy and Tommy's house. We walked over to my house and Connor and Benny said hello, I said hi to my parents and Benny did too. I grabbed some clothes, a little bit of makeup, and perfume, deodorant, and a toothbrush. I put it in a Fjallraven backpack and we started walking out the door.
       "I'm going with," Connor said. I ignored him and grabbed Benny's hand and we started walking over to the house.
           When we go there we were greeted by their mom. She knew Benny, obviously, but was more than happy to meet me.
            "The boys have been talking about you so much! It's a pleasure to finally meet you," she said with a warm smile. I thanked her and we went up inside the tree house. All the boys were already there. So Benny and I picked a spot next to each other, and Connor went next to Squints. It was already getting dark so we decided to play a game.
        "Truth or Dare?" Ham asked me.
        "Dare," I said, smiling.
        "I dare you to kiss Benny for 10 seconds," Ham said, laughing.
         "Easy," I said.
          "With tongue" all the boys started laughing. I shrugged and turned to Benny and we started making out for only 10 seconds. I would have loved for it to go longer, but a dare is a dare. All the boys gagged but we just laughed.
         "Yeah-Yeah, truth or dare?"
          "Dare," He said laughing.
           "I dare you to sing your favorite songs really loud," I said.
           "Kk," He said. He started singing and we all died laughing.
           "Connor, Truth or Dare," Yeah-Yeah asked.
            "Where have you been the past few days?" Yeah-Yeah said. I wanted to know this too.
            "My girlfriends house, she just came back from Texas," he said smiling. I rolled my eyes and put my head on Benny's shoulder. He held my hand and he smiled.
           "Benny, Truth or Dare," Connor asked.
            "I'll go with a dare," he said.
            "Hmm, I dare you to not kiss Addison for the rest of the night," Connor said. He sighed.
             "Fine, whatever," Benny said. I kissed him.
              "Doesn't mean I can't," I said laughing.
             "Ham, Truth or Dare," Benny asked.
              "I dare you to ask out the first girl you see, not Addison," he said. I laughed and Ham sighed and got out of the tree house. A car went past him and he screamed,
            "Will you go out with me?" Really loud. We all laughed and he ran back inside the tree house. We played Truth or Dare for a few more hours, and it was 9 pm. We decided to roast some marshmallows. Benny and I both shared a stick and made two marshmallows. We both put our hands on the same stick and I didn't kiss him and he kept getting mad. I would lean in for a kiss and then I would pull away. He would playfully shove me and then I would ruffle his hair.
       "Do you want me to kiss you or not?" I asked. He nodded. I turned and sat on his lap. He gave our marshmallow stick to Ham and I put my hands around his neck. He looked at my lips and smiled, and then someone pushed us over and we fell. We both laughed, and then I started making out with him. He put his hands on my back and I smiled and pulled away slowly. He bit his lip and I kissed him again slowly, but it only lasted a few seconds. I ruffled his hair and we sat up. The boys didn't even notice, I'm guessing they all got used to it by now. Ham gave us back the marshmallows and we ate them.
         "You're so amazing," Benny whispered in my ear. I smiled and I kissed him again.
           "You can kiss me, Connor is already asleep," I whispered giggling. Most of the boys were asleep, and Ham put out the fire and started going to sleep too. Only Benny and I were left. Benny bit his lip again and we started kissing again. He put his hand on my neck and I put both of my hands on his neck. Benny bit down on my lip playfully, and I giggled. He went backwards and I was on top of him again. We kept kissing each other and he kept smiling. I pulled away slowly and laid down next to him.
          "Turn around so I can change," he said. I laughed and closed my eyes while he changed. "You can open then now," i looked and he was wearing a pair of sweatpants and no shirt. I blinked a few times and then smiled.
         "Your turn to turn around," I said. He sighed and closed his eyes. I put on some nike shorts and a yankee's cropped T-shirt. I went behind him and kissed his cheek, and he turned around and we laid next to each other on the hard floor. I had my arm on top of his stomach and my head on his chest. He was playing with my hair and I would giggle every so often.        
          "I love you, Addison," he said.
           "I love you too, Rodriguez," I said smirking. He kissed the top of my head. I looked up at him and then back down. I slowly closed my eyes and he did too.

Hey everyone:) sorry for such a long chapter, it all just slowed out. I hope you guys enjoy it.

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