01 ||sᴛᴇʟʟᴀʀ ɴᴇʙᴜʟᴀ

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sɪᴛᴇ: ᴀᴏ3 ᴏʀ ᴀʀᴄʜɪᴠᴇᴏғᴏᴜʀᴏᴡɴ.ᴏʀɢ
ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ: ᴡʀɪᴛᴇᴏɴ423


01 ||
Stellar Nebula Dancing and floating within a sea of darkness, he is the gravity that can make me whole.....

01 ||Stellar Nebula

"Hyung, what do you want to be when you grow up?"
Hoseok and Jimin lay in a wildflower field. Both with flowers in their hair as they watched the clouds in the clear sky.
Jimin turned to him and they both laughed.
"Seriously, what do you want to be?"
Hoseok sighed and refocused on the clouds. "I want to dance. I want to travel the world and dance." He turned to the younger. "And you?"
"I want to sing, Hyung."
There was a pregnant silence between them. There was no need for words. They knew that their dreams would never come to pass. Their fate already determined from birth. Hoseok turned to his friend.
They had been friends for as long as he could remember. They were both approaching adulthood, Jimin fourteen and Hoseok seventeen. They saw their friendship as the center of their future. It was what helped them survive thus far.
Jimin's expression was somber and Hoseok wanted to change that. Hoseok smiled and came to his feet. He dusted off his clothes and held out his hand. The younger took it and Hoseok pulled him to his feet. "Then sing!"
Jimin began singing, giggling as he watched Hoseok dance through the flowers. Hoseok was a great dancer but right now he was just trying to brighten his dongsaeng's mood. Jimin's laughter echoed through the empty field as Hoseok continued to dance through the flowers. Well they thought it was empty until a person riding horseback came barreling towards an unaware Jimin.
Hoseok being quick on his feet, jumped to push Jimin out of the way. Both falling into the grass. Hoseok atop him.
Hoseok looked down at Jimin and his face grimaced in what looked like pain.
Hoseok scrambled off the younger and inspected his body. "Jiminie, are you alright?!"
Jimin lifted his ankle and held it as he groaned in pain. "I twisted my ankle."
Hoseok felt anger boiling inside of him. How could someone so carelessly ride through a field? It wasn't like they weren't visible.
Hoseok stood and searched out the idiot rider. His eyes fell on an ash grey haired young man that looked to be around Jimin's age. He looked down at them without expression causing Hoseok to grow angrier.
"YAH! You idiot!" The boy riding horseback eyes widened in shock. However, Hoseok didn't care if he was being rude. This idiot could've killed someone. 'Watch where you are going! You could've killed us!"
The boy looked around and then looked down at him incredulously. "Are you talking to me?"
"I'm looking at you, aren't I? Is there anyone else in this field?!"
The boy began to laugh.
Hosoek gasped at the level of disrespect. He was older than him after all. He didn't even have the decency to dismount and apologize. He would make him.
Hoseok walked over to the boy and pulled him off the horse. He yelped as he hit the ground. Hoseok stood over him with his arms crossed. "Apologize!"
The young boy got up and stood before Hoseok with his fist clenched at his side. Hoseok was ready for a fight. He had never experienced this level of disrespect from someone younger than him in his whole life.
"Why should I?!"
Hoseok scoffed and poked his shoulder, causing the younger to take a step back. "I am your Seonbae, you little shit!" Hoseok turned to Jimin who was coming to his feet. "You hurt my friend." Hoseok turned back to the angry boy and clenched his collar. "Now apologize! Quickly!"
"Hyung, it's okay! It doesn't hurt much anymore anyway." Jimin said as he pulled at Hoseok's sleeve. It was then that Hoseok noticed the military insignia on his sleeve. Hoseok decided he couldn't care less about his military status. He was an asshole. His position didn't matter.
Hoseok watched as the boy's eyes fell on Jimin. His expression softened and a smirk spread across his face.
"Yah! Eyes on me!"
The boy's eyes snapped back to Hoseok. "Now are you going to apologize or am I going to have to make you?"
"Hyung!" Jimin whined trying desperately to pull him away.
Jimin continued to try to calm his Hyung down as neither of the two seemed to want to back down. A whine from a horse caused Jimin to look behind them. A smile spread across the brat's face further enraging Hoseok. Hoseok raised his fist but was halted by a deep and arrogant voice.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you."
Hoseok slowly turned at Jimin's breathless call.
Hoseok gasped when he realized who it was and quickly removed his hands from the younger's neck. Jimin cowered at his side with his head down.
It was the Prince. Hoseok knew because of his notorious pale skin and bland expression. He had an aura of royalty and arrogance about him. He had to fight the urge to cower himself
The Prince dismounted and the brat went to his side with a haughty smirk. Hoseok then heard the whines of other horses in the short distance. He swallowed hard.
The Prince took a step towards him and Jimin immediately went to the ground. Hoseok was in too much of a state of shock to move. His eyes were fixated on the older Princes dark orbs. Hoseok slowly began to realize the stories about the Prince were true. There was not a speck of warmth behind his eyes. His gaze was cold and void of emotion. It chilled him to the bone
"Shouldn't you be on your knees seonbae-nim?"
Hoseok's gaze fell on the younger and he fought the urge to outright growl at him.
"What's your name?"
Hoseok's gaze fell back on the older. His expression still unreadable.
"J-Jung Hoseok."
The Prince nodded and looked down at Jimin who was still on his knees. "And your friend?"
Hoseok turned to were Jimin was still bowed and watched as the younger prince placed his hands on his shoulders to pull him upright. Out of reflex, Hoseok moved to stop him, noticing Jimin's distress.
The older Prince gripped his arm to stop him. Hoseok's eyes widened as he stared at the Princes pale hand on his tan skin. His eyes slowly regarded the Prince.
"You are mighty protective of him. Is he your boyfriend?"
"No!" Jimin and Hoseok resounded in unison.
The younger Prince smiled and Hoseok watched as Jimin blushed under his perusal.
Hoseok felt a hand in his hair. Hoseok grabbed the Prince's hand and the prince in turn grabbed his neck. Hoseok's hand fell and pulled at the one the Prince had wrapped around his neck.
Tears filled Hoseok's eyes as he struggled to breathe. He could hear Jimin begging the Prince to release him beside him.
The Prince ignored his pleas and brought the flower he plucked from Hoseok's hair to his nose. "Sweet." He whispered as he continued his tight hold on Hoseok. The dancer continued to pull at the Prince's arm. It did no good. The Prince was smaller but much stronger.
"Prince Yoongi!"
The Princes grip loosened on Hoseok's neck but his eyes remained on him. Cold and emotionless.
"Your father is calling you."
The Prince released him fully and Hoseok fell to his knees coughing and gasping for air as Jimin tried to comfort him through his own tears.
Hoseok looked up clenching his throat. His eyes bloodshot almost matching the color of his skin. Yoongi regarded him briefly before turning back to his horse and then retreating back to where his name was called.
The younger Prince crouched down in front of the two with a smile. Hoseok looked up at him with so much anger he felt his head would explode.
"See you around seonbae-nim."
He then turned to Jimin who flinched when the Prince put out his hand. He hesitated but proceeded and touched the younger's face. "See you soon Jimin-ssi."
Jimin's eyes looked up as the Prince stood. Hoseok looked from the Prince to Jimin. Did they know each other? From Jimin's expression, it seemed Jimin wondered the same.
The younger Prince got on his horse and rode quickly to catch up with the others, by this time Hoseok's breathing had evened some.
Jimin turned to Hoseok. "Hyung, are you alright?!"
Hoseok nodded and slowly came to his feet. "I'm fine but what about your foot?"
Jimin looked down at his foot. It still hurts a little but I'll be fine." Jimin looked at his Hyung's neck and gasped loudly. "But Hyung! Your neck! It's already bruising!"
Hoseok touched his neck and flinched. It was still sore to the touch.
"If your father sees that, he will have a fit!"
Hoseok knew this. He sighed at the thought. Ever since his mother died he had been so overprotective of his only child. Hoseok knew it was because they were all they had so he always did his best to stay out of trouble but this time it was unavoidable. Well...somewhat. He knew if he had just bared it and kept his mouth closed then none of this would've happed but he couldn't just let someone bully Jimin. Jimin lost his father a year after Hoseok's mother died. He had no one to protect him and since he was two years older, Hoseok made it his duty to look out for him. Today he had failed. He looked down at the younger's slowly swelling foot with shame.
"What about your foot? You mother is going to kill me."
Jimin looked down at his foot and then back at Hoseok. "She doesn't have to know. Let's go to Ji Yeon-ssi's! She'll help us!"
Hoseok nodded with a smile. Ji Yeon, only a year older than Jimin, would always help them out in a bind.
"Okay! Let's hurry. My dad will be looking for us soon."
Jimin nodded with a smile. Seemingly glad he could come up with a good idea. Hoseok wrapped his arm around Jimin as to help him not put pressure on his wound and left the field

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