07.5 ||ᴀᴜʀᴏʀᴀ

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ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ: ᴡʀɪᴛᴇᴏɴ423


07.5 ||Aurora
Jimin's story

07.5 ||Aurora

***Two Years ago****

Jimin held his bag close to his body as he walked quickly down the street.
It was late afternoon and he was leaving his voice lessons and was heading home when he spotted him out of the corner of his eye.
He had been following him for two weeks now. Not really approaching him or interacting with him but just following him and watching him.
Jimin was afraid. What could he possibly want? He was always respectful in his presence. It was worrying him to death. He wanted to tell Hoseok but Hoseok was already dealing with enough since Jung Woo left. He didn't want to bother his Hyung. He was nearly eighteen now. He needed to start handling his own affairs.
Jimin inhaled and exhaled, breathing out the nerves before turning around quickly. The young Prince ducking behind a tree. Jimin pursed his lips. It was ridiculous. The Prince's striking grey hair hard to miss.
"I can still see you, you know!"
"No, you can't!" Taehyung shouted from behind the tree.
Jimin sighed audibly and placed his hands on his hips. "Really?"
Taehyung sucked his teeth and came from his hiding place. Jimin was shocked to see the young prince dressed like a commoner. Simple shirt and trousers with a plaid tam on his head.
Jimin held in his shock and zeroed in on his irritation. "Why are you following me?"
Taehyung didn't speak but stared at Jimin, his cheeks flushed, his eyes wide and his pupils dilated.
Jimin looked away with a shake of his head. This was going nowhere, and he needed to end whatever this was, so he could get home. He met the prince's eyes once again. "Did I wrong you in some way? If I did then I am sorry. Please stop following me!"
Taehyung still stood there motionless with the same expression. Jimin had had enough. It was getting late. He hoped the young prince got the message.
He turned to leave but was halted by four words.
"I like you, Jimin- hyung."
Jimin turned, his eyes the size of saucers. He didn't say what he thought he said.
Taehyung's face reddened further, and a smile played at his lips. "I said, I like you, Hyung."
Jimin dropped his bag, his mouth going agape. This was a dream or to describe it more accurately, the beginning of a nightmare.

Jimin waved goodbye to Ji Yeon and Hoseok as they entered the dance studio where Hoseok's dance company practiced.
Jimin felt him there the whole time but ignored him as to not alert the others. It had been a month now. Taehyung was relentless. Jimin knew he had to put his foot down. the declaration last time had shocked him so bad that all he could do was run away. He wouldn't run this time.
Jimin turned and the Prince stood there smiling with his signature bright boxy smile.
"Stop following me!" Jimin shouted.
Taehyung's smile fell. Jimin stayed unaffected.
"Stop liking me and leave me alone!"
Taehyung looked down at his feet. Jimin huffed and turned to leave.
Jimin stopped. The sadness in the young prince's voice making him feel slightly apologetic. Maybe he was being hard on him? No! Jimin decided to stick by his guns. He started walking again.
"Can I love you instead, Hyung?"
Jimin stopped again. His heart becoming caught in his throat.
Jimin squeezed his eyes tight. What was he saying? How can someone throw a word around like that so casually? They barely knew each other. He had to be joking.
Jimin turned to observe the younger. His face was crimson, but his eyes were focused. Focused on Jimin.

He was serious!

"Don't." Jimin said breathlessly.
Taehyung approached him, Jimin looking up to meet his eyes. Taehyung reached out but hesitated, putting his hand at his side. "I can't."

"You sounded beautiful, Hyung."
Jimin nearly jumped out of his skin at the sound of Taehyung's deep voice. He was leaving voice lessons. Another late night. He hadn't seen Taehyung all day. It felt strange. A feeling Jimin couldn't place followed because of it.
"YAH! You nearly scared me to death!"
"Sorry." Taehyung said sheepishly with his hands behind his back.
Jimin shook his head and began towards home. Hoseok had informed him he had a late rehearsal so to not pick him up and to go straight home. He would. He was tired and very hungry.
"Go home Taehyung-ssi."
"I can't!" he said running to catch up with Jimin. "Hoseok-seonbaenim has a late rehearsal. It's not safe for you to walk alone."
Jimin turned to address the annoying Prince. This has been going on for nearly six months now, so his words came easier. "How did you know that?"
Taehyung smiled and shrugged. Jimin continued walking. "Don't tell me you are following him too."
"Nope! Only you!"
Jimin shook his head.
"I only love you." Jimin stopped again, Turning to address the Prince again.
"Stop saying that! Don't use that word so easily!"
"But I mean it, Hyung!" he took a step towards Jimin. "I really do love you!"
Jimin turned and crossed his arms. "You don't even know me! How could you love someone you barely know?"
"But I do know you, Hyung."
Jimin's arms dropped to his side in irritation. He turned back to Taehyung. "Oh really?! Name one thing that isn't obvious about me!"
"Your favorite color is green."
Easy to figure out. He made it his duty to wear green in some way almost every day.
"You can dance. You would be doing that if you didn't like singing more."
Another easy one. His Hobi-hyung loved to dance. It was only right that he picked up on some of his moves along the way.
"Your favorite food is bibimbap."
Okay. That was a little less obvious. His mother didn't make it often. To busy running a farm and her dress shop. So Hoseok's father would prepare his meals most often.
"Your favorite snack is hotteok."
With that Taehyung pulled a bag from behind his back and handed it to a shocked Jimin. He hadn't had hotteok in so long. It was no way he could know that.
Taehyung shook the bag gently and Jimin took it hesitantly. He looked up at the Prince as if seeing him for the first time.
He was so handsome. His grey eyes piercing. His hair covered by that tam that had become part of him.
Taehyung took another step forward. they were inches apart. Taehyung's eyes went from Jimin's lips back to his eyes. He bent slightly, their lips nearly touching. Taehyung licked his lips before speaking.
"Want to know something else that isn't obvious?"
Jimin didn't speak. He was too afraid that if he spoke, that their lips would touch. They were that close.
"I think you like me too, Hyung."
All the months of ignoring, discouraging and berating the young Prince so that he would leave him alone was for naught. This cheeky brat had managed to get under his skin and snake his way into his heart.
This wasn't good.
Jimin swallowed hard and Taehyung smiled. Jimin felt his heart flutter.
Yeah. He was doomed

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