03 ||ᴘʀᴏᴛᴏsᴛᴀʀ

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sɪᴛᴇ: ᴀᴏ3 ᴏʀ ᴀʀᴄʜɪᴠᴇᴏғᴏᴜʀᴏᴡɴ.ᴏʀɢ
ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ: ᴡʀɪᴛᴇᴏɴ423


03 ||Protostar
I've watched your evolution...
Consuming light and life from everything around you...
The heat has become unbearable....
How can I touch you and not burn?

03 ||Protostar

"Can you be a bit gentler?"
Ji Yeon sucked her teeth and placed her hands on her hips as she looked down at Hoseok who sat on a stool in her bedroom. "Gentler, Oppa? Did you think of that when you were challenging our future King?"
Jimin laughed behind him. He was sitting on her bed with a bandage around his ankle. It was propped up and had ice on it. Hoseok cut him a look but it did little to stifle his laughter.
"Yah! You're no better!"
That shut Jimin up. Ji Yeon sucked her teeth and began applying the makeup to Hoseok's neck again. she stopped and stepped away. admiring her work. "There! No one will be the wiser."
Hoseok stood and went over to the broken mirror affixed to her wall. He lifted his neck and inspected it carefully. He smiled. she did an awesome job! His father would never know.
He turned to Ji Yeon. "Yeonie! You're the best!"
She nodded and began packing her makeup into a small bag. "I know but can you two please stay out of trouble for once."
Hoseok and Jimin looked away bashfully.
"I won't be always available to "fix" things for you."
"Are you dying?!" Jimin said in a worried tone.
Ji Yeon looked up at him sharply. Hoseok laughed and then went to Ji Yeon, putting his arm around her shoulder as she continued to angrily throw her makeup into her bag. "We'll stay out of trouble for now on and besides what amount of trouble could surpass angering the Prince?"
Ji Yeon stopped her little tantrum of throwing her makeup and began to cry. "Oppa, why are you like this? I am really worried about you! W-what if he comes back?!"
Hoseok pulled her in for a hug. "Don't cry. I'm fine and so is Jimin. He won't be back. why would he?"
Ji Yeon pulled away, sniffling softly. "You're my best friends. What would I do if something happened to you two?"
Hoseok smiled and wiped her tears. She looked up at him with tear filled eyes. "Nothing will happen to us. We aren't going anywhere."
Hoseok knew where her pain stemmed from and just like he and Jimin, they had all lost someone they loved. Ji Yeon, her older brother Minseok. Her father had never been in her life so her brother was that and much more. He was sent to fight at the borders five years ago and died during an exercise. They said it was an accident and her mother was offered a settlement but refused.
"Do you think your filthy money could ever compensate for what I lost!
Hoseok remembered those words. He was only eleven then and was doing his best to comfort an inconsolable Ji Yeon. Hoseok had always looked up to Minseok. He was funny, handsome, strong and caring. All the things Hoseok aspired to be and more.
"Oppa!" she whined into his chest.
"Shhh. I promise Yeon-ah. So please don't cry anymore. Your mother will scold me for making you upset."
Ji Yeon pulled away again and looked up at her Oppa. "You promise?"
Hoseok nodded reassuring with a smile.
"Y-you promise that you will be here when I graduate?"
"Of course! I wouldn't miss it for the world!"
Ji Yeon wiped her tears. "And when I get married, you'll walk me down the aisle?"
Hoseok felt his heart swell. He felt honored that she would even ask.
"Who would marry you?! Gross!"
Ji Yeon looked past Hoseok. Her eyes like slits and her mouth in a straight line as she addressed Jimin's snide remark. "Do you want me to break the other ankle?"
Hoseok turned with a laugh and watched as Jimin's mouth clamped shut. Hoseok looked down at Ji Yeon who was still giving Jimin a threatening look. He shook her gently so she would focus on him again. "Yes! I can't wait for the day." He pulled her into his embrace again. "And you know something else?"
"Our kids will play together, our grandkids. We'll all grow old together."
"You promise?"
Hoseok held her tighter. "I promise."

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