15 | even with expertise

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'He seems to be on some sort of human coalition spree,' Maria shared the gathered information from the colossal number of images on the smart board of the deck. All of these people were of different ethnicities and seemed to have gone missing in action in the past few days of Tony's black market ordeal. 

For a while, Tony had thought wars were obsolete. Guns, ammunition, the arms race—they were all part of an elaborate plan that had collapsed to shit a long time ago. For one nation to claim another for selfish needs through war or intellectual domination seemed like another mode of inhumanity; when all of the intellect Tony had was used for supporting the youth and building a safer place for his legacy to have a home in. 

'He's got Kashmiris, crazy crack separatists, Basques and even radicals from Peru,' she pointed out to Tony, just as he flipped through the images like in an endless slideshow. Some faces he could recognize and some wandered on the lines of delinquency. Tony bristled at the thought of another blast taking lives because of his old deeds.

'It's like an ideological Benetton ad,' Tony replied under his breath. 'He's gonna use them for modding if it weren't clear earlier.'

'Apparently hating SHIELD and hating Tony Stark brings together folks of all shapes and colours,' Maria added in with a biting smirk. 'You're like his new Jesus.'

'Making me feel close to God,' he mused, a little full of himself. 'I like that.'

From his periphery, a familiar woman caught his eye. A blonde who had offered to help him find Elle and whose name he couldn't place had sauntered in the same way he'd seen her last, with a laptop in hand. Right behind her came wandered in Elle, her pin-straight brunette hair hanging down the sides of her face and her blue eyes glinting with the golden evening glow on deck. If it weren't for a disturbance in his sight, he would've continued to gawk at her. What made Tony do a doubletake was the fact that she had ditched her cane and was using another man's arm. Specifically, Lincoln bloody Campbell.

'He's salvaging equipment underground,' Maria continued, oblivious to the fact that Tony wasn't paying attention. 'He's picked up scraps from the junk but now —uh, Stark?'

He lept out of his trance, forcing his eyes back on the board in front of him. 'Yes. That's Director Stark to you.'

'Unfortunately, Director Stark,' she said pensively, opting to forget his choke up and focusing on the matter at hand, 'the trackers are yet to come upon the grid. So, we'll have to wait.'

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