Chapter 5

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 "You know, don't even count. I mean if you disappeared forever it wouldn't make any difference. You may as well not even exist at this school." Andrew comments. Bender pause, taking in what Andrew said, not showing the impact those words have on him but you saw the hesitation of hurt.

A silence falls until you broke it.

"Dude, what the fuck?" you snort, earning confused looks from all three.

"what? " Andrew gives a confuses look. "You're so full of yourself. You're a wrestler, I guess that means you count?" You mock. Earning a shocked look from Bender.

Andrew runs a hand in his hair, in disbelief, "I can't believe this, you're taking his side?".

"Oh, fuck no." you state honestly, the look from Bender's face drops, "I'm just saying. There's more to the story. He can be doing this because he's bored or an actual psycho who needs help" You comment, earning an offended look from Bender whose ready to intervening but stops to consider your words with a nod.

" Either way who gives you the right to be rude or judge? I guess you think so since you're so mighty, right? Because, what? You compete with other sweaty dudes by rolling around all day. So important." You roll your eyes as you mock," heck. I bet he could join the wrestling team and make it cause, oops you're not special. No one will remember you in the sporting team because there will always be new members so. You might as well not ever exist" You use Andrew's own words.

The was a pause from both Andrew and Claire, taking in your words.

Until Bender ruined it. "That's right, I could join the wrestling team and get in!" Bender comments, throwing an arm around your shoulders. The comments send Claire and Andrew in a laughing fit. "Wep, so much for getting them to rethink their actions. They're all yours bub" You remark as you hop down from the railing, leaving Bender.

"I could join the wrestling team! Maybe join the prep club too! Student council " Bender declares all the while Andrew and Claire laugh. "No, they wouldn't take you." Andrew answer with a fake smile. "I'm hurt." Bender mock.

" You know why guys like you knock everything," Claire begins.

" Oh, this should be stunning" Bender mutter to himself. "It's 'cause you're afraid." Claire 'deducted'.

" Oh, God! You ritchies are so smart, that's exactly why I'm not heavy in Activities!" Bender mocks with fake enthusiasm. Which cause you to chuckle from your seat on the table away from the three. "You're a big coward!" Claire yells out. With a heated conversation going on, a certain person feels left out.

"I'm in the math club" Brian speaks out softly.

" See you're afraid that they won't take you. You don't belong, so you just have to dump all over it" Claire assumed.

" wouldn't have anything to do with you activities people being would it?" Bender question.

" Well, you wouldn't know...You don't even know any of us."

" Well, I don't know any lepers either, but I'm not gonna run out and join one of their fucking clubs." Bender points out, staring down Claire.

"Hey let's watch the mouth, huh?" Andrew interprets arms cross and giving Bender a hard glare.

" I'm in the physics club too" Brian softly comments again.

"S'cuse me a sec...", Bender leans away from Claire and turns to face Brian," What are you babbling about?" he asked. " Well, what I said was" Brian pause, not expected the sudden attention, "...I'm in the math club, the Latin club and the physics club...physics club." he counts with his fingers.

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