Chapter 5

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Days were passing by,Maheen and kulsum became best buddies. They always went together to college.
Maheen often visits farooqi's house,they treat her like their daughter
But Arham And Maheen always start their silly fights whenever they crossed their paths

Maheen's parents had to visit their realtives wedding which is happening in another city. They asked Maheen if she can come with them

Maheen: But papa tomorrow I have my chemistry test I'm sorry I won't be able to come with you

Nawaz: Ohh that's ok Maheen. Study well for the exam. But how can we leave you alone here. Besides that all our other realtives are also going to this wedding. Otherwise we would have sent you to their house.

Zainab: I think we don't have to go to wedding, how can we leave Maheen alone here

Nawaz: Yes you are right.

Maheen: Mumma Papa don't worry about me, it's the matter of one day.

At the same time the door bell rangs. Maheen went to open the door 

Maheen: Assalamalaikum kulsum. Andar aao na (Please come inside)

Kulsum: Walaikumasslam Maheen. Ammi has prepared Kunafeh and she sent this for you. She knows how much you love Kunafeh

Maheen: Jazak Allah khairan Kulsum. It's my favourite thank u so much

They chat for sometime.

Kulsum: Auntie you can leave Maheen with us. Don't worry we will take care of her. And I would love to spend a whole day with Maheen.

Zainab: No no it's ok kulsum, we don't want to create any disturbance to you all.

Kulsum: Auntie we would love to have Maheen in our house, besides that she is not a disturbance to us.

Nawaz: Ok I'll ask Murad
saying this he went to make a call

Kulsum: It's not needed to make a call . Dad loves Maheen like her own daughter

Zainab: I know beta. But we have to ask your parents na

Nawaz: Ok Maheen you can stay at kulsum' s house. Infact murad scolded me that I'm asking his permission for your stay in their house. He told me that there is no need to ask for his permission for your stay.

Kulsum: Auntie i told you na

Zainab: Ok ok kulsum (She smiles at her)

Kulsum: Maheen we will watch movies,or we can play games. What do you say

Maheen: Areyy are u forget that tomorrow we have chemistry test

Kulsum: Oh my god. I totally forgot about the test. Thanks for reminding me. I have to go bye.
Aur shaam ko jaldhi ghar aajana
(And yeah come early in the evening)

Maheen: I'll come soon kulsum

Kulsum: Allah hafiz

Kunafeh:(also spells knafeh,kunafa)
       It's a middle eastern sweet cheese or cream dessert topped with pistachios and drizzled with sugar syrup😍

Assalamalaikum and hii beautiful people😘

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