Chapter 17

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All were praying and helping Arham in regaining his memory. It's been three months since that accident and now Arham is becoming fine and he started going to his office. Maheen and Kulsum decided to replay his memories by keeping his past infront of him. That's why they decided they should go to Darjeeling. And Kulsum introduced Maheen as her best friend and they also act like it was their annual function and they ask him to drop them to their college so that he can recall the past.

Arham (To himself): What's happening to me and why it's like I already had done this. Why it's like i went to Darjeeling. Ya Allah what's happening to me. Help me my Lord.

After dropping them he went to his office. And in the office his thoughts went to Maheen how beautiful she is looking today.

Arham: Why I always think about her. It's like i know about her very well.

And after some days they all went for Darjeeling and it helps him a lot. He recalls some of the events of their last trip.

Arham: Kulsum is khan's family also went with us in our last trip.

Kulsum: yes bhai. Do you recall anything more

Arham: yeah I get some flashes

Kulsum: That's good to know. In Sha Allah soon you will recall everything

After some days:

They had conceal all the memories regarding to their engagement. So that he can't hurt more. But on a fine day he saw their engagement pictures in the cupboard of his parents when his father had told him to kept his clothes in the cupboard as his mother was busy in some work. He gets shocked when he saw those pictures and tried to recall the events and got severe pain in his head

Arham: I'm engaged and that too with Maheen,my sister's bestie. And nobody informed me.

He became unconscious. When his father came there he gets panicked to see his son laying motionless. And his mother Salma observed the photographs laying on the floor and scolds his husband for that. They called the doctor and he told them not to stress him it can be harmful to him
After sometime Arham opened his eyes

Arham: Ammi I want to know the truth am I engaged to Maheen

Salma: Yes beta. But lemme explain why we hide this matter from you.

She explain all the things to him how doctor told him not to stress him and how he adviced them to help him regaining his memory slowly.

Arham: Ammi jane anjane mein, mein ne maheen ko dukh pahunchaya hai(Mom unknowingly, I hurted Maheen)
Maheen and Kulsum are at the door listening to them. Murad has informed Kulsum about Arham and they both rushed towards their house from the college.

Maheen: Don't say like that Arham you didn't hurt me. Infact I'm happy we don't have to hide this matter anymore. I'm happy for that
She got tears in her eyes

Arham: Don't cry Maheen. I can't see you crying. In Sha Allah I'll recall everything. Now stop crying

They informed Maheen's parents about this. And they also told Arham about their marriage which will gonna happen after Maheen's graduation. After informing him his parents and Maheen went from there.

Kulsum: Bhai you have to know one more thing. Your marriage is not an arranged one

Arham: Kulsum tell me clearly. Don't play puzzles

Kulsum: Bhai you love her. And you are the one who told us that you love her and want to marry her. We were so happy with your decision because we also like Maheen a lot. And you know what bhai Maheen is the most affected one by your accident. She prays day and night for you

When Arham heard about his love for Maheen his heartbeat got increased.

Arham: Kulsum i know I can't recall my memories with her. But you know whenever I see her I felt like my heart got it's peace. I promise to keep her happy and I have faith in Allah he will help me in remembering my past.

Kulsum: Bhai i want to ask one last question. Do you still love her?

Arham: I really don't know about love but I like her and I will be a lucky one to have her as my life partner. And about love i think soon I'm gonna for fall her

Kulsum: You don't have to fall brother. You are already smitten by her and deeply in love with her

Arham blushes by hearing that. And she smirks seeing his brother.


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