Chapter 15

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Before starting the chapter I just want to tell to my readers I'm gonna bring a twist and please don't hate me for that😅but I promise the ending will be beautiful. I thought of this plot when I decided to write this story. And everything happens for good.

It's been two months after they got engaged. And in these two months Maheen and Arham came to know each other very well. They usually connect with each other via phone and sometime they met each other in the presence of their family. Though they both know that it is not good to be in touch before marriage.

Maheen is studying for her upcoming test when she gets a call from Arham.

Maheen: Assalamalaikum Arham

Arham: Walaikumasslam Maheen.kya kar rahi hain aap. Mujhe pata hai aap meri khayalon mein khoyi hui hongi
[What are you doing Maheen. I know that you are lost in my thoughts]

Maheen: No Arham Nothing like that I'm studying for my exam

Arham: Did I disturbed you

Maheen: No no I was about to finish

She kepts mum and Arham is the only one who is talking.

Arham: Maheen are you again thinking about that

Maheen: Yeah it just that I'm a lil bit uneasy in talking with you we are still na mehrams right

Arham: I already told you Maheen In Sha Allah we will soon get tied in a sacred bond of marriage. We didn't do anything haram right. We are just talking on phone and meeting with each other in the presence of our family. So don't worry

Maheen: Yeah ok

Arham: You know I fall for your modesty,your innocence you are just so cute Maheen.. My Maheen

She blushes hearing his reply. They chat for sometime

On a fine day they all were gathered in khan's house and having tea when someone shouts, I'm back. They turns towards the voice and a handsome man came in the view

Nawab Khan: Adam beta when did you came you should have called me I would have come to Airport to pick you and where is your mom and dad.

Adam: Uncle we want to give surprise to you all and specially to my Mahi and mom and dad will come after two days.

Farooqi's are just puzzled with all this. And Arham is back on his possessive mode when he heard Mahi from Adam's mouth. He doesn't like when a man calls his Maheen with a nick name

Nawab khan: Murad meet Adam he is mine and zainab's friend's son. Five years back they shifted to London.

Adam: Uncle don't worry dad is shifting his business here so now we won't leave India. And dad also bought a house near your house. But they strictly told me to live here until they come

Nawab khan: You are just like my son Adam you can live here. And yeah your dad has informed me about shifting his business

At the same time Maheen came from the kitchen and when her gaze fell towards Adam she screams his name and runs towards him and hugs him

This gives a mini heart attack to Arham. And now he is getting angrier by their closeness

Adam: Ohh Mahi how are you my lil one I'm sorry for not able to attend your engagement but I promise to attend all the functions of your marriage

Maheen: No need to say sorry you didn't came to India since five years I'm not talking to you get lost from here

Nawab Khan: They always fight like this. He is there for Maheen just like a elder brother. Adam is Maheen's Foster brother and they literally share everything with each other.

When Arham hears the word "foster" relief took over him.
{Foster siblings are mehram to each other}am I right🤔

Adam shook hands with Arham and whispers in his ear

Adam: I really like your possessive side man. Keep my sister always happy

Arham: In Sha Allah I'll

They chatted for sometime and after that all had their dinner and Farooqi's left for their house

Kulsum: Ammi I'll be back actually I forgot to bring my notes from Maheen
Saying she went from there

Maheen: kitni bhulakkad ho tum kulsum(How forgetful you are kulsum)

Kulsum: yaar I forgot to take it ok chalo by
When she turns around she bumps into someone and that person's milkshake fell on her notes

Kulsum: andhe ho Kya(Are you blind)

Adam: Oh miss jungli billi(wild cat)if I'm blind then you should have watch where you are going

Kulsum: Arrgghh how dare to call me jungli billi you mister

Maheen: Guys stop it say sorry to each other

They both say sorry on Maheen's insistence

Adam: Bye miss jungli billi

Kulsum: khadoos

She went from there. Maheen just laughs on their childish behaviour

Maheen: Adam bhai why are you annoying her. Don't mess with her she is rebel bhai and if you are interested in her then lemme talk with your parents Kulsum is a girl with golden heart

Adam: Hey stop stop why are you assuming things by yourself. It's nothing like that. I just like annoying her nothing else
By saying this he went from there

Maheen: I'll pray for both of you bhai you both will look good together.

She smiles to herself

Assalamalaikum and hii my beautiful readers😙

How is the chap. Do you like it or not?

And about the twist it will be in the next chapter but I promise you that the ending of Arheen's life will be beautiful.😍

So don't hate me for the upcoming twist

In the next chapter I'm gonna introduce the twist so get ready for it😉

Do vote and comment till then Allah hafiz 😘

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