Chapter 21

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Farooqi's welcomed Maheen whole heartedly. Maheen was nervous. Though she came many times to their house but now it's changed,now she is the daughter in law of this house. Salma her mother in law observed her nervousness and she took Maheen with her

Salma: Maheen beta don't be nervous it's your house and feel free if you want anything just ask me. Now let's go let me show you, your room. Take some rest. And for tomorrow's valima function if you want my help then ask me. I'll send maha to help you in getting ready.

She takes her to Arham's room and now it's her room too. She was very nervous, after taking a long breath she enters the room. The whole room is decorated beautifully with flowers and candles.She was amused with room's beauty. It's first time she came in Arham's room. Not knowing what to do she sat on the bed. And at the same time Arham came from the washroom after taking a shower. His hair is dipping from water

Arham:Aap kab aayi Maheen. Maine socha aap ammi ke saath hi baatein karengi
(When did you came Maheen I thought you talk with mom only)He teased her

Maheen: No Arham nothing like that. We are just talking

Arham: Hey I know Maheen I'm just teasing you. I think you should change  your dress. It's heavy right.

Maheen: Yes it's heavy and I want to take a shower.

Arham: washroom is right there

After showering she changed into a comfortable dress. When she came from the washroom she saw Arham busy on his phone. When Arham saw her he calls near him

Arham: Now i have time to stare at you. Ma Sha Allah you're looking beautiful Maheen. It's really difficult for me to not look at you.

Maheen: Arham(she wishpers his name very slowly)

Arham: Ji Jaan-e-Arham. Tell me

Maheen: You.. you're also looking handsome

Arham: Oh my innocent Maheen you hesitated to tell this. I'm your's Maheen you can tell me whatever you want and you can share with me anything. Ok Shall we pray now

Maheen: Yes

They both pray together and after that Arham and Maheen Sat on the bed. Only the kinkling of Maheen's bangles is echoing the whole room. Both are silent

Arham: Maheen wait I'll just come

He move towards cupboard and took a small box which is wrapped beautifully. He forwarded it towards Maheen

Arham: Open this Maheen. It's your gift
She opens the box which has ring it

 It's your giftShe opens the box which has ring it

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       Imagine the ring to be like this

Maheen: Arham it's beautiful. Thank you

Arham: Don't say thanks Maheen. What is mine is also your's ok. Now can I have this opportunity to wear this ring to this beautiful lady's finger

Maheen forwards the ring to him and he puts the ring in her finger. He took her hands in his

Arham: Maheen I want to confess one thing. I know our circumstances are not good.And I don't remember much. But I'm trying to recall my past and you know what I don't remember much but I have a little memory of our engagement. And with in the span of this time I once again fell in love with you. Yeah Kuslum told me that I was madly in love with you. And she is right. I love you and I always will

He kissed her palm. She was a blushing mess

Maheen: Arham i also want to confess something. You know you called me on the day when you met with that accident. At that time I thought I lost you. And when you forgot me I felt like I'm the unluckiest woman in the world. Arham you don't know how much I was worried for you. And that night i realised one thing that.
By this time she got tears in her eyes

Arham: Hey Maheen don't cry now see we are together. Now no more crying

Maheen: Arham i realised that I was madly in love with you. I..i love you Arham

Arham: Maheen you know today you made me the luckiest man in the world. I love you too

Then he leans towards her and kissed on her forehead and on her cheeks, he looks into Maheen's eyes as if asking her permission to proceed forward, she nods her head slowly and shyly closed her eyes.

Maheen wakes up with the sound of Azaan. Her gaze went towards Arham who is sleeping peacefully. She touched his face and was observing his face. She eyes at her husband lovingly who is looking handsome. Suddenly Arham caught her hand.

Arham: You can stare at me all the time Mrs. ARHAM I'm only yours

Maheen: Arham when did you wake up

Arham: when you started playing with my beard

Maheen: I'm sorry if I disturbed you

Arham: No you didn't disturbed me. Now it's time for fajr salah. Go and fresh up then we can pray together. I'll use another washroom

They both pray together and after that they pray Quran and make dua

Arham: Oh Allah thank you for making our life beautiful. Thank you for uniting us. Bless us with your mercy. And unite us in Jannah too

Maheen: Aameen

After placing prayer mat in the shelf she sat near Arham

Maheen: Arham do you need anything coffee or tea

Arham: I drink coffee in the morning. But lets go we will make it together.

They went towards kitchen and started preparing it, their parents saw them and they was happy by seeing their children's happiness.

Salah: Also called salat or namaz is one of the five pillars in the faith of Islam and an obligatory religious duty for every muslim. It is a physical,mental,and spiritual act of worship that is observed five times everyday at prescribed times.

Quran: Holy book of Muslims revealed by God to the final prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

Jannah: Heaven

Azaan: Call for Muslim prayer


Assalamalaikum and hii my beautiful readers 😘

How is the chap

This chapter is dedicated only to Arham and Maheen😁

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