Chapter 18

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Everyone is happy in their lives. Though Arham didn't remember anything he starts feeling for Maheen. And here Adam's mother is pressuring him to get married. And his mother sheba asks Maheen about that girl which she mentioned. And she tells them about kulsum. And maheen told that she will talk with Adam and Kulsum about their consent for this marriage

All youngsters were gathered in a cafe to discuss about this matter

Adam: Maheen, seriously me and this jungli billi. No way

Maheen: But bhai give it a chance and Kulsum is perfect for you

Kulsum: Yes Maheen, me and this khadoos. I'll not approve for this

Adam: Miss wildcat you are not rejecting me. It's me who is rejecting you

Kuslum: How dare you to call me wild cat

They both started arguing with each other and this irks Arham

Arham: Stop it guys are you both are toddlers. No right. Then why are you quralleing with each other. Just think about this with your clear mind. Everyone is happy with it. And we are not forcing you into this relation. We will be ok with your decision. So just think well before reaching to a conclusion.

By saying this he went from there. Silence fell upon them

Maheen: I think Arham is angry now. But whatever he said it's true. It totally depends on you guys. So think well. I'll give you some privacy.Kulsum I'll wait for you in the car.

She went from there

Adam: Kuslum I'm sorry for my bad behaviour. It just that you are the first girl which had not fell for my charm. And it hurted my ego.That's why I behaved like this

Kuslum: Yeah I'm also at fault. They are right we can solve our problem with an humble talk. And by the way what's this charm and all

Adam: Ohh it's just all girls are mad after me. And I was in awe you didn't fall for this man (kuslum roll her eyes)
But you know a secret i got attracted with that rebellious attitude of yours.

Kulsum: Mere dil mein jo hota hai mein vo bina jhijak keh deti hoon
(Without any hesitation I'll tell what's in my heart)

Adam: Hey don't you think we are behaving like a normal human being

Kuslum: Yeah probably it's the first time we are interacting in a polite way

Adam: So

Kulsum: So what

Adam: oh Kulsum don't act like you don't know anything. Ok tell me what do you think about me

Kuslum: I think that you are a khadoos.(She giggles)

Adam: Kulsum be serious for sometime yaar.(He asks in an affirmative tone)

Kulsum: Adam i know that you are a good person who loves his family and a religious one. But I have doubt which is nagging me in my mind. And if we want to move with our decision I have to know about this

Adam: You can ask me anything I'll be honest with you

Kulsum: You told me that many girls were mad about you.

Adam: Wait wait Kulsum i got it. And the answer to your question is no. I didn't involve in any relationships. I know that's haram. Its their problem that ladies are after me but I didn't give them any chance. So just chill my wildcat

Kulsum: Attitude, huh

Adam: So what's your decision Kulsum. Its a yes from me

Kulsum: I Adam I.. .Its..
At the same time Maheen came there

Maheen: So guys what's your decision

Adam: oh my lil sis it's a yes from your brother but this wildcat is not answering me

Kulsum: My answer is yes (she whispers)

Adam: Say it loudly i didn't hear you

Kulsum: You heard me Adam. Now bye I'm going. Let's go Maheen.

She wents from there

Maheen: oh my Allah. I'm so happy for you bro. Let me inform our family about this good news

Farooqi's are happy with their daughter's decision. And it was decided their and Arheen's(Arham+Maheen)wedding will be held on the same day.


Few months later

Adam and Kulsum got engaged. Few months are left for Maheen's and Kulsum's graduation. Today they all went for the marriage of Arham's cousin. Both Maheen and Kulsum were looking breathtakingly beautiful. After the nikah their families came on the stage to wish the newly weds. When Arham and Adam saw their soon to be brides it's difficult for them to remove their gaze from the beautiful ladies

Adam: Hey man keep your eyes away from my sister. She is not your wife yet

Arham: I can say the same to you right. Don't look at my sister.

Adam: I know bro it's haram we shouldn't look at them like this. But what I can do if my life is looking gorgeous

Arham: I'm right here man. Stop your cheesy talks. She is my sister and you're talking about her infront of me

Adam: Ok ok I won't man.

After sometime Maheen got a message from Arham, when she is in the ladies section

Arham: Apna time aayega(Our time will come)
Maheen: wow nice line Arham. In Sha Allah Apna time aayega(Our time will come)
Arham: you know you are looking gorgeous
Maheen: Thank you Arham😶(she blushes with his comment)
Arham: Ok stop blushing now
Maheen: Hey how do you know I'm blushing. Wait are you here in ladies section
Arham: Haha.No my lady I'm not there but I know you're blushing
Maheen: Ok ok bye I have to go. Allah hafiz😁
Arham: keep blushing see ya😉


Assalamalaikum and hii my beautiful readers😘

How is the chap

Don't you think Kulsum and Adam are cute😃

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