Chapter 6

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A/N: the first gif belongs to vivianeris on Tumblr

the second gif is from giphy


Bender laughs and gets up. Walking towards the double doors that separate the library from the hallway.

"Wep, at least I can say I've tried" you comment, watching Bender's backside as he gets closer to the door.

"You know there's not s'posed to be any monkey business!" Brian call out to Bender, remaining to stay seated. Bender turns around a points a finger at him, speaking in a stern voice mocking a teacher "Young man...have you finished your paper? " Bender turns back to the door, where he removes a screw.

"What are you gonna do?" Claire asks, watching Bender mess with the door.

" Drop dead, I hope!" Andrew answer.

"Have fun demonstration school property" your call out to Bender who gives a thumbs up back. Yet, the comment sends Claire and Andrew in a fit of panic. Now knowing what Bender's up to. The two share a look before Claire spins around.

"Stop him! Do something!" She demands, you give a sigh and call out to Bender "fine, oh no, Bender stop! That's wrong!" you call out sarcastically. Bender chuckles;" kind of the point sweet cheeks". You give Claire a shrug, only for her to glare at you; "What help you are. Sit down!".

Bender ignores Claire as he still works on taking the screw out. "Bender, that's, that's school property know, it doesn't belong to us. It's something not to be toyed with. " Brain talks, explaining to Bender how it's wrong. The door loudly slams shut.

Bender runs back to his seat and throws the screw to you in the process. You catch the screw as Bender sits down next to you. "Why do I have the screw?" you ask, holding the screw. "Because your apart of this" Bender answer, brown hair flying. "I don't remember signing up for this" You comment as Bender push your hand down, signalling you to hide it. "Well, you did now so, tough luck" Bender comment dryly.

You roll your eyes at the comment and hide the screw in your pocket. "Real mature" you comment, earning a scoff from Bender. "That's very funny, come on, fix it!" Andrew command as he turns to face Bender within his seat. "You should really fix that! " Brain agrees.

"Am I a genius?" Bender mockingly ask.

"No, you're an asshole!" Andrew answer.

"What a funny guy! "

"Fix the door, Bender! "

"Everyone just shhh! " You shush Bender and Andrew in time for the door to open and reveal a pissed Vernon.

Vernon storms in, standing in front of you all. "Why is that door closed?" he asks and no one answers him. Merely staring at him. Vernon scans the room and catches eye contact with Bender, who sits calmly. "Why is that door closed?" he asks.

"How're we s'posed to know? We're not s'posed to move, right?" Bender answer, with fake innocent. Vernon turns to Claire, if anyone is going to rat a person out it's her. "Who? " he asks and both of your's and Bender's heart freeze.

"We were just sitting here like we were s'posed to" Claire answer. You let out a sigh of relief that Vernon didn't hear. Vernon turns to Bender again, staring deeply as if his glance can pry the answer out of Bender. Then he turns to you.

" Who closed that door, y/n? Or better yet, was it you since your getting quite an act for destroying school property " He asks. You feel your heart racing as you try to calmly and not take any hurt from his comment;" It was no one, sir, it just close by itself... I think a screw fell out of it" You reason.

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