Nightfall, Chapter 16

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"Should we take bets on how many stairs Foster makes it up before she trips?" Keefe asked. "I say she'll lose it on the sixth step."

"Nah, she'll make it at least ten," Fitz countered.

Sophie glared at both of them—but didn't argue.


He placed a hand on the small of her back, probably to steady her—but the soft contact gave Sophie another rush of flutters.

"I think this is a two-person job," Keefe said, nudging Fitz over so he could place a hand on her opposite side. "This is Foster, after all."

Sophie sighed. But on the sixth step, her ankle wobbled, and she would've toppled to the left if Keefe hadn't been ready to nudge her back to the right.

"Not a word," she told him, realizing his prediction about when she'd trip had come true.

He snickered. "At least this proves I know you better than the Fitzster."

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